Hello Left Linkers

Some of you may personally have met and worked with or know of the 
political work of Canadian Trotskyist, Joe Flexer who died this week on the 
picket line.

Harry Paine, organiser for the Freedom Socialist Party in Winnipeg, is 
hosting a gathering this Friday evening, 3 August to remember Joe and his 
contribution to the working class movement.

If any of you would like to send a message, please e-mail Harry Paine direct.

Yours in solidarity
Alison Thorne
Freedom Socialist Party
International Executive Committee Coordinator
From: Harry Paine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Henry Noble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sad day for socialism
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 19:17:56 -0500

Dear Comrades,

This afternoon I received the sad news that Joe Flexer had finally 
succumbed to the heart condition that had plagued him for the last 14 
years. He died where he would have wanted to be more than anywhere else, on 
the picket line. His CAW brothers and sisters at Catapillar Tractor in 
Toronto, went on strike last week and had called him out of retirement to 
lead them in their struggle.

Joe came to revolutionary Marxism in the sixties and had never ceased to be 
in the forefront of workers struggles where ever they took place. He spent 
a number of years living in Isreal after the war of independence where he 
had gone like so many others from the United States to follow the dream 
that this new nation would become the beginning of a new socialist 
paradise. Disillusioned, he returned to the US and quickly came to Marxism. 
He moved to Winnipeg and helped found the first Trotskyist branch here. 
Over the years his expertise on Middle Eastern affairs became renown 
throughout Canada. But first and foremost Joe was a working class militant. 
He was never more brilliant than when he was arguing the case of some 
worker's grievance before the bosses.

The comrades of Socialist Action have suffered a real loss for he was a big 
factor in keeping them on the straight and narrow.

Freedom Socialist Party
2-184 Evanson Street
Winnipeg  Mb  R3G 2A3
Ph:   (204) 772-0068/(204)783-6918
Fax:  (204) 783-1884
URL: <http://www.socialism.com>



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