SOCIALIST ALLIANCE - for the millions, not the millionaires

MEDIA RELEASE - October 9, 2003

Turn your backs and walk out on Bush, MPs urged

Socialist Alliance today called on all anti-war MPs to turn their backs
on US President George Bush and stage a walk out when he addresses a
joint sitting of the federal parliament on October 23.

"This would send a clear message to President Bush and PM John Howard
that their illegal invasion of Iraq and subsequent invasion is not in
our name", Pip Hinman, a spokesperson for Socialist Alliance, said

"The million or so Australians who protested in February against the
attack on Iraq represented an overwhelming majority of those in this
country who said we should not launch a war on Iraq. Now, Bush is in
Australia to thank John Howard for ignoring the majority and, perhaps,
to ask for more help.

"We oppose that, and demand that Howard bring the 1000 Australian troops
home now. All the foreign troops should get out of Iraq now.

"Bush, Blair and Howard's pre-war talk has been shown to be lies. The
war on Iraq was about getting access to the second highest known
reserves of oil ", continued Ms Hinman.

"Now, Washington and its proxies in the Iraq are overseeing the
corporate carve-up of Iraq - selling off public enterprises and
infrastructure to companies such as Halliburton and Bechtel, which have
a close association with the Republican Party.

"How is this going to help the Iraqi people get their country back on
its feet?"

Bush is also visiting Australia to promote the US' "free" trade agenda.
According to Luke Deer, also from Socialist Alliance, "Such an agreement
will not only give large corporations greater rights, as happened in
North America, a FTA will threaten Australia's Pharmaceutical Benefits
Scheme, quarantine laws, GM labeling and public assets".

Socialist Alliance calls on all anti-war MPs to join the protest outside
Parliament House on October 23 at 9am which is being organised by ACT
Network Opposing War and supported by Stop the War Coalition in Sydney,
the Queensland Network for Peace, the Victorian Peace Network, and a
range of other anti-war coalitions across Australia.

Pip Hinman 0412 139 968 Luke Deer 0419 135 019

For your information

Stop the War Coalition - e-list ARCHIVE @

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To visit the interim Sydney STOP THE WAR COALITION website, click on:

RALLY on Wednesday, OCT 22!!!  5pm @ SYDNEY Town Hall !!!
--> March to the US Consulate in Martin Place
NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION on Thursday, OCT 23 morning!!!
--> Get on our BUSES TO CANBERRA @ 5am from Central Station


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