Bali terrorist bombing

The following statement was issued by the Secretariat of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party on the news of the terrorist bombing in

We condemn in the strongest terms the terrorist act perpetrated in Bali
which resulted in a huge loss of innocent lives. We extend our sympathy 
to all the families of whatever nationality who have so cruelly lost 
relatives and friends.

The Bali bombing is yet another event in the intensifying cycle of 
violence erupting in many countries and cities.

The destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York in a terrorist act 
on September 11 of last year has been used as the excuse to launch the
so-called "war against terrorism" and to invade and occupy Afghanistan. 
This war is an illegal and unilateral invasion of a sovereign country. 
War is threatened against Iraq and other countries.

War is just another form of terrorism in which civilians inevitably 
become the main casualties.

The current situation is also marked by a small handful of countries
interfering in the affairs of other independent states, forcing them to
comply with outside interests and demands.

Immediately following the Bali bombing such demands are being made of 
the Indonesian government, telling it that it should "put its house in 
order", that Islamic organisations should be banned and so on. In an 
interview on commercial radio, Prime Minister Howard said, ".we've got 
to involve [in Indonesia] as many people from other parts of the world 
in response to this, as many people as we possibly can."

Such demands will not lead to a relaxation of current tension or relieve 
the poverty, destitution, oppression, exploitation and hopelessness that 
has been imposed on millions of people world-wide. These causes, which 
underlie terrorist acts, are not even recognised by the capitalist 
powers and are being intensified by the big corporations.

The cycle of violence can only be broken by abandoning these policies 
and the unilateral threats of war against Iraq and other countries.

During the past 40 years illegal and unilateral acts of war and 
aggression have been conducted against Cuba, Grenada, Panama, Yugoslavia 
and Afghanistan. The historic land of the Palestinian people is being 
seized and occupied.

War is threatened against Iraq without any convincing proof that Iraq is
engaging in acts of terror, was in any way associated with the 
destruction of the World Trade Centre or is amassing weapons of mass 

There is outrage at the Bali bombing. There is also outrage at the
threatened war against Iraq.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed in the illegal war
against Afghanistan and from the years of equally illegal bombing of 
Iraq by US and British war planes, which is still going on.

Those killed and injured in Bali join the list of innocent victims of 
the policy of interference, aggression, war and occupation being pursued 
by the US, Britain and Australia. Their deaths must be placed at the 
feet of these governments.

The threats and preparations for an illegal war against Iraq must be
abandoned immediately. Such a war will inevitably result in countless 
more deaths of innocent people.

War for oil, war for strategic positions, war to set up a puppet
dictatorship in Iraq, war to occupy another sovereign country must be
rejected before it is too late. Such a war will not end terrorist acts 
of revenge but increase them.



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