Q.U.E.E.R. members stand by their actions at Pride March

QUEER (Queers United to Eradicate Economic Rationalism) is proud of
the contingent we built at Melbourne's Pride March. Over 100 activists
from QUEER, UNITE, Feminist Avengers, Radical Women and campus queer
groups made a united, lively and political contingent, one of the
largest in the parade. We think this is an important development in
alerting the queer community to the perils of "Pink Dollar" politics.
We have copped some flak because some of our contingent verbally
heckled the Liberal and GALPEN contingents. The Liberals are on the
warpath against working people and we pointed that out - what more
needs to be said? Since then, State Liberal leader Napthine has
attacked the Bracks government for a miserly $25,000 grant for
research into lesbian cancer risks, showing their true colours.
Many of our contingent were at the s11 demonstration and saw, or were
on the bloody end of, the police savagery. It is hard for people who
were not there to understand the deep scars on the psyche (let alone
the body) that this has created. People were demonstrating
non-violently, arms linked. The police removed their number tags,
opened ranks, and poured out hundred of armoured, pumped up, riot
squaddies who mowed down everyone in their path. They left a swathe of
bleeding heads, bruised bodies and cracked bones.
The psychological pain is probably greater. You see, none of those
beaten can strike back. The police have a monopoly on the right to
legally use violence. So the anger becomes internalized unless an
outlet can be found. The GALPEN contingent provided one such outlet
for this completely justified anger to be verbally expressed. The
police actions at s11 were only an extreme example of the main role
they play in society generally - the defence of private property. The
police are not workers like any others. Although they are employees
who have only their ability to work to sell, they have a direct role
in attacking organised workers. They are routinely used to break
workers' picket lines.
When we need police - when violence against women, queers, koories is
happening - they are almost always "too busy" to respond in time.
Domestic violence, rape, queer bashings, racist bashings - these are
all put in the too hard basket. Queers are often treated with
contempt. Worse than that, police have often acted with violence
against queers and other oppressed people - bashings of queers,
koories, young people and women continue.
Attempts to have functioning queer community - police liaison
committees have foundered over the years as the police hierarchy have
not taken the issues seriously. QUEER recognizes that GALPEN members
have challenged the homophobic and sexist institution for which they
work. We know that their members have been victimized for standing up
for the rights of queer police and for being open about their
sexuality. We support the rights of queer police to organise. We
recognize that marching at Pride is an important public statement for
GALPEN members.
We ask for recognition that QUEER supporters who were at s11  also had
an important statement to make about the role of the police.
QUEER is a group of lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender activists
from various backgrounds who have united in their fight for
progressive causes.  We encourage all queers to come to our next
fortnightly meeting at 6PM on Tuesday 20th February at Trades Hall.
Alison (03) 9386 5065
Josh (03) 9925 3707
Riki (03) 9387 7819 / 0400 877 819
Adrian 0415 420 523


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