
We, the legal working group have been asked as a result of a chat in  
the SOTM working group call (which mike and I were also on) to propose  
talk(s) about the license at SOTM.

Today in our call we brainstormed a little around a few ideas and we  
thought it would be good to flesh them out here and see what you guys  
think might work, or not. So here are some ideas to think around, or  
if you have your own please chime in. We can do these, some  
combination, all of them, or whatever. We'd like your help in thinking  
what the best things to do are

1) A high level, simple, talk for the business day on rough use cases  
on the data and best practise. Something like "you can use OSM data  
but make sure you don't mix it with proprietary data, make sure you  
attribute OSM". This wouldn't be a perfect talk, but would give  
businesses and people looking to get involved with OSM a high level  
introduction without getting too scary

2) A talk at the main OSM conf days about the PROCESS of the legal  
working group. How often we meet, who we are, how a meeting goes, what  
we discuss, who we talk to, what the minutes look like, how to get  
involved... This is just about how we work, not the subject matter to  
give people a better insight in to what goes on.

3) A debate at the main OSM conf. A panel of key members of the  
license working group plus jordan and rufus. It lasts an hour. 15  
minutes are brief introductions and points of view from the panel  
members and then 45 minutes of open debate on any license issue with a  
moderator. This might be before lunch or a break so people can  
continue discussing afterward.

4) The same as (3) but with a _structured_ debate. Say 4 main topics  
and 10 minutes debate on each, or 3 topics of 15 minutes each.  
Something like that so that rather than debate about anything we  
debate some key issues to make sure they are covered.

Remember these are only ideas to be discussed here, not our solid  
plans. Thoughts?



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