On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Richard Fairhurst
<rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Erik Johansson wrote:
>> Open Database License (ODbL)
>> “Attribution and Share-Alike for Data/Databases”
> Yep. Exactly.
> CC-BY-SA, famously, allows you to combine different types of "creative
> content" as a collective work. Wikipedia regularly combines GFDL text with
> CC-BY-SA photos, and no-one bats an eyelid: it's a collective work.

I now have a practical case.

Routes for public transports are usually printed on a map, this map is
usually licensed and it might be difficult to get permissions to
distribute the map on the net (see picture).  So how do I get to use
OSM data for free?

I can store my data as
1. already georeffed shape files
2. shapefiles of the routes that are created from OSM data
3. route relations in OSM format, but no from OSM (just referencing IDs in OSM)
4. description used by bus drivers to get around

Then a separate database with Share-Alike Openstreetmap data.

When do I have to license my data as share alike?

BTW, Wikipedia is CC now.

<<attachment: Bild 2.png>>

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