Thank you all for your responses. I apologize for the vagueness - this is a
highly confidential project.

We would like to use the Overpass API ( which I believe is made
for read-only purposes, which is what we need. We would be well below the
10,000 calls per day, at least for the foreseeable future.

So, if we could find a way to credit OSM on the packaging of the product,
would this be a legit use?

Thanks very much,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Richard Weait <> wrote:

> I'm pretty sure that Martijn means "does NOT allow", rather than "now".
> :-)
> So, whatever you are planning, Jennifer, hitting the editing API is
> probably going to get you some unwanted attention.  There are other
> ways to access the OpenStreetMap data, and you'll want to make sure
> that you are using one of those approved methods that is suitable to
> your use case.  To be clear, accessing and using OpenStreetMap data is
> "okay", all else being equal. Causing inappropriate stress on
> OpenStreetMap Foundation resources is not okay. Let's presume that you
> are going to use the replication data method to keep a local and
> current version of OpenStreetMap data, so you won't be loading the
> editing API.
> What you describe in very general terms does sound like case 3 from
> that wiki page, [1]. "I want to publish something based on
> OpenStreetMap data and my own data."
> So where you ask, "1) is this allowed,"  I would say, "yes, the
> license grants you permission so long as you comply with the terms of
> the license."
> and where you ask "2) If so, how would I give credit if nothing is
> displayed? Or would I not have to give credit since no map or direct
> data is displayed?"
> This answer is more complicated.  You are obliged to give credit, that
> is one of the license terms.  So if you fail to give credit, you
> haven't got a license to use and republish the data.  Additionally,
> there is the share-alike obligation.  So, if that applies, you'll have
> to meet that obligation as well.  You've been very general about the
> nature of the external data you plan to consult, so I don't know if
> you'll have an obligation to share-alike.
> How would you give credit?  You should do so in a manner suitable or
> customary to the medium.  Consider the TV credit roll mentioned in the
> wiki.  For say, cupcakes or ear rings made with OpenStreetMap data, I
> would expect a notation on the packaging.  For a wall clock, or
> coasters, I would expect a label on the back.[2]  For electronic
> hardware I'd expect credit in the firmware and the documentation.  So,
> in short, the credit should be where a user, or consumer, or developer
> (or mapper) would expect it.  Credit shouldn't be somewhere hidden
> behind a disused file cabinet.  :-)
> Best regards and happy mapping,
> Richard
> [1]
> [2]
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Jennifer Bauman

Director, Vehicle Modeling | CrossChasm Technologies

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