Hi all,

There has been community discussion about refining the Legal FAQ on the issue of what is reasonable attribution for certain specific media cases. I have created a Community Guideline wiki page [1]. This is not about being "legal" but what you personally think is reasonable for what you contribute and what best promotes OpenStreetMap. So please do not hesitate to pitch in. Based on feedback received, the LWG will amend the Legal FAQ.

And in more detail ....

The conversation was specifically about "About Boxes" but the LWG thinks it is generalisable to other cases where it is arguably difficult to place a full (text) attribution physically right on or next to a map.

The LWG takes the position that the LWG itself should be neutral per se but that OpenStreetMap in general has responsibilities to propose answers. We are the dominant open geospatial data project and probably the global leader as a live open data project exploring the specific legal issues of open data as distinct from highly creative works and software [2]. The LWG therefore encourages the community to consider specific guidelines for specific types of media. This will help not only ODbL license users but also potentially CC4 as well.

May I therefore request anyone interested to take a look over our existing guidelines [3], look at the basic questions I have posed [1] and tell us what you think, either there (preferred), to this list or to le...@osmfoundation.org.

I'll eventually review the past list mailings and add in the comments already received unless someone beats me to it, hint, hint.

OpenStreetMap Foundation License Working Group

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Data_License/Community_Guidelines/Attribution_For_Different_Media_Types

[2] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fIvuygF4pZd_PfBbxg-acAP9c_lA37_sTEkdvccIoXk/pub July Minutes, see Item 6

[3] http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License#Where_to_put_it.3F What the current Legal FAQ has to say

[4] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Data_License/Community_Guidelines/How_We_Create_Community_Guidelines FYI, new doc.

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