Hi Mike,

[posted to legal-talk and talk-gb; responses to legal-talk or personal
email please]

I understand that you have had previous correspondence with Ornance Survey
and on requesting use of the OpenData you received the response that they
have "no objections to geodata derived in part from OS OpenData being
released under the Open Database License 1.0." [1]

Since this request, several other UK public bodies have started to release
geo data on their own websites using the OS OpenData Licence. Examples

* Hampshire County Council - Public Rights of Way [2]
* Communities.gov.uk - Public Assets [3]

Oddly not all releases of geo data use the OS OpenData licence (Natural
England's recent release is under the Open Government Licence).

The problem with the OS OpenData Licence is two-fold. Firstly, it clearly
states that the data is hosted on OS's website. This is not the case for
the examples above. Secondly, it may be incompatible with ODbL v1.0 (hence
the need to request use of the OpenData). Unfortunately, Ordnance Survey's
response gives clearance for only their OpenData TM data sets. Can you
kindly contact OS and ask what can be done about this. Does their legal
team feel that the permission above can be extended to "no objections to
geodata derived in part from OS OpenData LICENCED DATA being used under the
Open Database Licence 1.0 irrespective of its origin"? If not then can I
suggest that OS create a v2 of their OS OpenData Licence that both dilutes
the statement that the data is hosted on their website and gives explicit
clearance for use with ODbL 1.0?

Can this be done soon before more public bodies release data under said

Kind Regards,

[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap.region.gb/6516
[2] http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2012-May/013298.html
[3] http://publicassets.communities.gov.uk/
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