[Lejos-discussion] [SPAM]

2008-10-13 Thread 钟文辉
各位老总:您们好! 诚祝:您们在2008年里;有鼠不尽的快乐!鼠不尽的收获!鼠不尽的钞票!   鼠不尽的幸福!鼠不尽的美满生活!愿: 您们阖家欢乐!幸福安康! 我公司可以长期提供:出口报关单,核销单,等等一系列手续;代理:出口 报关,商检,境内外运输..等等;还可以代办:出口欧盟许可证,欧盟产地证; 并且还有(广州国际贸易交易会)的摊位可以转让;价格特别优惠;有意者请来邮件 或来电联系;谢谢合作!   电话:0755-81153047。  

Re: [Lejos-discussion] ant problem

2008-10-13 Thread Lawrie Griffiths
Hi Frans, What ant build file are you using? Is it a copy of the one used by the leJOS samples? If so, that uses the samples.properties file to point to the location of jtools.jar, so you need to ensure that your Eclipse project has a copy of samples.properties, that your ant build file is

[SPAM] 商务合作

2008-10-13 Thread 王小姐
贵公司(财务/负责人):你好! 本公司有多年的财务服务经验,为企业合法避税降低企业成本争取 最大的经济利益!与国内(广州、江苏、上海、浙江、辽宁、福建)等地 的定税企业有着密切合作,可为贵公司以较低税率代开下例票据: 1:普通商品(商业)销售、建筑安装、广告业发-票 2:服务业,租赁,培训费,住宿费等均可代开 承诺:发=票一律通过正规手续从税务局办理领购,可以电话、网上 查询验证后付款!如贵公司有上述票据在做帐或进销存方面如需用到的 话欢迎致电咨询洽谈!(国税/地税网站可查询) 联系人:王小姐 手

Re: [Lejos-discussion] I2C register problem

2008-10-13 Thread Charles Manning
Hi Jakob I wondered whether you'd got further with the I2C? --Charles On Monday 29 September 2008 19:51:09 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What kind of device is it? It's a non Lego related RFID reader (Skyetek) with a proprietary protocol. What happens if I override sendData() with something