Hi swappers,

I recently purchased some high-quality replacement capacitors for the motherboards on 17” and 20” pre-iSight iMac G5’s. Of the multiple types of capacitors on these models, there are two group/sizes of capacitors on the that seem to fail. Some people only replace the bulging caps, some people replace them all. I only replaced ones that were obviously bulging, so I have lots of extra caps left over. These caps are brand new, just manufactured, and are the exact physical size of the original caps on the iMac motherboards. (They are so new that the tsunami in Japan delayed their production.)

Aside from the motherboard capacitor failures on these models, the other weak spot seems to be power supplies. I do not have the caps needed to rebuild power supplies, and even if I did, I’d never attempt it again. It’s just too much of a hassle and there is a great company in New York that does it for just $75.

I can’t offer much remote support for replacing the motherboard caps, but I can point you to a few great online resources. We may need to talk about the machine(s) you are servicing so that you get the correct number of caps, so **please send a phone number if you are interested**

I’ll sell a “capacitor kit” that will allow you to replace every one of the two types of failure-prone caps on a single 17” and 20” pre-iSight iMac G5 motherboard/machine for $20 shipped in the USA. PayPal preferred.

Bill Lozito
Victoria, MN 55386

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