This is an interesting topic. What do we all think of this? Should it be allowed or shouldn't it?
Here are my thoughts on the matter:

The play should be allowed given that it would take place in a theatre of some sort which would be open only to adult viewers. The play should be allowed given that it is a play, and a form of art, rather than pornography which is a form of prostitution. It should be allowed given that the actors are taking part in the play for some sort of cultural artsy reason, not because they need to in order to make money. I don't see why it should be censored if it is on those basis. My problem with this sort of thing has always been the economic considerations. The idea that prostitution is wrong but pornography isn't aparently simply because one is in private and one is on film for all to see. If people shooting each other to pieces can be on t.v. all day then I don't see how a play involving this sort of thing can't be allowed. They allow pornography on t.v. but no sex is allowed in plays? At least in a theatre you know that kids aren't turning on their T.V. sets to watch it. Thoughts anyone?


Stephen Von Sychowski

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