-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, August 25, 2000 6:19 PM
Subject: Int'l day of mobilization against Clinton's visit in Colombia

>The 30th of August Bill Clinton, as one of the last acts during his
>presidential mandate, will go to Colombia in order to give his personal
>support for the so called Plan Colombia and in this way to confirm the
>politics of intervention of the USA in the region. Thats why a lot of trade
>unions, human right associations and popular organizations are calling for
>an international day of protest against the undesired visit of the
>US-president in Colombia.
>The Plan Colombia means a large amount of money (1.300 millions of USD)
>for the disposal of the Colombian government, officially dedicated to fight
>drug traffic and to eliminate the cultivation of coca by implementing
>alternative economic and social development programs.
>In reality this plan is a program characterized exclusively by an
>orientation of military interventionism that implies: new US-military
>advisers that will strengthen the contingent that has already stayed in
>country since years; military technology of the last generation for the
>Colombian army as well as the creation of new battalions for special
>operations; massive fumigation of the coca plantations without any program
>for alternative cultivations and as a consequence more misery and hunger
>thousands of peasants, besides the fact that this kind of politics has
>its failure since years; political protection for the paramilitary groups,
>the real big drug cartels; and last but not least protection for the
>destructive activities of the multinational enterprises like OXY or British
>The realization of the Plan Colombia would also lead to the forced
>expulsion of at least 200.000 persons that would enlarge the contingent of
>almost 1.800.000 persons that has been expelled from their lands and
>communities by the violence of the paramilitary groups and the Colombian
>army that act in accordance and in complete impunity, terrorizing the civil
>population that is suspected to support the guerrilla movement.
>The tragic and immediate consequences of the Plan Colombia has already
>become clear. The 16th of August the Colombian army killed consciously six
>children during their school journey to the mountains, the 5th of August in
>an other place five peasants were killed sadistically and brutally by a
>paramilitary group very near by a military installation of the army.
>The Plan Colombia is also a threat for the peace process between the FARC
>(Revolutionary Army of Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation Army) and
>the government, not only because the Colombian government has constantly
>shown its lacking will to solve the causes that has led to the armed
>conflict, but also because the finances of the Plan will strengthen the
>position of those who always boycotted a peaceful solution, the Colombian
>oligarchy and army.
>The armed conflict thus may become a real war of annihilation against the
>Colombian people in his legitimate fight for justice; and not even a direct
>US-military intervention can any more be excluded either with their own
>US-troops, or with a multinational intervention force that involves parts
>the armies of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and other Latin American countries.
>The Plan Colombia has foreseen a co-financing of the European Union in the
>area of projects that officially could been presented as humanitarian
>ones. But owing to its marked militarist character, the EU has rejected
>until now this support and it is up to the single governments to decide
>about a possible support. Spain and England have already agreed to do so.
>Italy up to now has maintained a negative position, but also this
>should no be trusted, as the Yugoslav war has shown that it is ready to
>intervene in case of a humanitarian cause.
>Thats why in the USA, Europe and a lot of Latin American countries there
>will be demonstrations and protests the 30th of August against the
>provocation that means the visit of Clinton in Colombia and against the
>Plan Colombia.
>We therefore call all the social, popular, democratic, human rights and
>anti-imperialist organizations to join this international day of protest
>organize demonstrations to the US-embassies rejecting the US-politics of
>intervention against the Colombian people.
>Not one dollar, not one Euro for the Plan Colombia!
>Freedom, Justice and Social Equality for Colombia!
>Support the resistance of the Colombian people until their victory!
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
>PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
>Tel & Fax +43 1 504 00 10

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