ML Update
A CPI(ML) News Magazine
Vol:3; No.34;  30-8-2000.


Police Brutality, ‘People’s War’ and People’s Ire
If the police in India have long reveled in the reputation of being the
nation’s foremost organized criminal gang, the credit of being India’s
number one police state has generally been ‘backward’ Bihar. The age-old
khaki shorts of Indian police have of course started giving way to more
modern and colorful attire (the ‘dress code’ of khaki shorts now stands
reserved for another variety of criminals – the musclemen and thought
police of RSS), and the weapons are also getting increasingly
sophisticated, but in terms of brutality and lawlessness, the police of
Independent India are still capable of putting the colonial police to
shame. It is this unbridled brutality and lawlessness of Indian police
which is always sought to be defended by bourgeois leaders and
administrators in the name of strengthening the ‘morale’ of the police.
The current spate of police atrocities in Bihar has once again revived
Bihar’s notoriety as a police state. From the killing of CPI(ML) leader
Vishwanath Ram in Bhojpur to the showering of police lathis on a CPI(M)
demonstration in Jhanjharpur of Madhubani, the list of police
brutalities is lengthening every day. The one incident which has rocked
the entire state, happened in Imamganj bordering Patna and Jahanabad
districts just three days after India celebrated the 53rd anniversary of
her Independence. On August 18, the Bihar police went on berserk on the
students of Imamganj who were observing a ‘black day’ in protest against
the beating up of a student in a so-called ‘people’s court’ sponsored by
the local PWG unit a few days ago. At the end of the day three students
were found missing and the next day the local people discovered the dead
bodies of the missing students aged between 6 and 22, with tell-tale
signs of brutal torture. When the people blocked the road demanding the
Chief Minister’s intervention, they were not spared and a student leader
Sushil Kumar of AISA was detained and tortured for sixty long hours in
police custody before being sent to a jail in Patna.
As we go to the press, the aggrieved people of Imamganj and all
justice-loving sections of society are demanding exemplary penal action
against the erring police officials as well as civil functionaries like
the concerned BDO, SDO and DM of Patna. The state government on the
other hand is trying to hush up the whole thing by just suspending the
in-charge of the local police picket and doctoring the post-mortem
report to attribute the murder of victims of police torture to drowning
in the nearby canal. As the battle lines between repression and justice,
between police raj and the rule of law, are being drawn in sharp relief,
it is time for everybody to take side. For all streams of defenders of
democracy, here is an open challenge to rise to the occasion.
The anarchists and pseudo-revolutionaries of PWG, however, found
themselves thoroughly isolated and unmasked by the events in Imamganj.
The local PWG unit had conducted a typical ‘people’s court’ to try one
high school student who was accused of having slapped a fellow girl
student in the course of an altercation. The court was chaired by an
ex-activist of the PWG who had incidentally been expelled by the group
on the charges of hobnobbing with the police and the Ranvir Sena. While
the local women themselves pleaded for letting off the accused student
with five counter-slaps by the girl, the PWG insisted on subjecting him
to twenty whiplashes, tonsuring of head and a fine of Rs. 10,000! And
the sentence was immediately carried out by a group of local activists
of the Ranvir Sena. It is this brutal demonstration of the PWG model of
‘revolutionary justice’ which triggered the people’s ire and a
thoroughly exposed PWG is now trying to keep up the ‘morale’ of its
ranks by portraying the people’s anger as a caste backlash and blaming
the ‘revisionist and vote-hungry’ CPI(ML) for leading the people’s
resistance against police atrocity!
There could not perhaps be a clearer revelation of the real meaning of
the high-sounding revolutionary phrases of the anarchists. Holding
people’s courts to resolve contradictions among school students,
delivering Taliban-like verdicts and carrying them out in tandem with
elements of the Ranvir Sena, slapping fines of the order of Rs. 10,000
on students, and maligning the consequent outburst of students’ ire
against injustice and coercion as an engineered caste backlash – can
there be a more suitable recipe for counter-revolution?

Press release

CPI(ML) Condemns Killer Naidu Govt. for Frenzied Repression on Agitators

CPI(ML) strongly condemns Chandrababu Naidu's killer government (In
Andhra state) for launching brutal and heinous repression on tens of
thousands of protestors who had come to Hyderabad on 28 August to
peacefully demonstrate before the Assembly against steep hike in power
tariff. The incident has revealed the real barbaric face hidden behind a
labouiously hyped cyber state.
The 9-left party alliance, of which CPI(ML)-Liberation is an important
constituent, had called upon the people to march to Hyderabad to
participate in 'Assembly Chalo' on 28 August and compel the Naidu
government to roll back the hike in power tariff. When lakhs of people
turned up in response, a panicked Naidu deployed heavy police
contingents to detain people at railway stations and bus terminals.
Police lathicharged at several places in this course. But braving the
natural calamities of cyclone and flood as well as police brutalities,
tens of thousands of people not only reached Hyderabad, they broke the
police barricades in their bid to enter the Assembly. Naidu had
virtually turned Hyderabad into a police cantonment, but the people
pierced through it. Frenzied police resorted to all means of assault,
lathi-charge, water cannons, teargas shells and ultimately firing,
killing at least four and injuring hundreds of protestors. Not only
that, police mercilessly lathicharged on opposition MLAs and leaders
sitting on fast to press the demand.
While firmly supporting the movement to compel Naidu government to take
back the power tariff hike, the Party calls upon Andhra people to make
29 August Andhra Bandh (Statewide general strike) called by 9-left
parties a complete success in protest against the brutal state

Protest & Resistance

Protest Against Police Killing at Imamganj
CPI(ML) organized a “Laloo-Rabri Zabab Do’ (Laloo and Rabri, Answer!)
rally on 26 August at Imamganj. Addressing the massive meeting attended
by over 5,000 people, Party General Secretary Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya
said, “the blood of the students spilt on the soil of Imamganj will
produce newer Bhagat Singhs who will rein the unbridled police in this
state.” Demanding arrest of police and administrative officials
responsible for the killing and institution of cases against them, he
called upon the people to step up mass resistance against this barbaric
and hysterical state machinery.
The meeting was also addressed by Com. Rameshwar Prasad, convenor of
Khet Mazdoor Sabha, CC members Com. K.D. Yadav and Saroj Chaube and RYA
national president Com. Rajaram Singh.
State leaders of RYA, AIPWA and AISA will hold a 72-hour fast on 29 to
31 August at Income Tax Square in Patna. The demands include (i) The BDO
of Paliganj, Sub-inspector Dilu Lohar and Incharge of Imamganj Police
Picket be immediately removed and a murder case under Sec.302 be lodged
against them; (2) The DM and SSP of Patna be transferred; and (3)
Student leader Sushil Kumar be immediately released.
Paliganj Bandh called on 23 August raising these demands was completely
successful. Com. Rameshwar Prasad and AK Nanda addressed a large mass
meeting at Paliganj held on the Bandh day.
AIPWA organized a dharna at Ambedkar Chowk, Bailey Road in Patna on 24
August protesting against barbaric lathi-charge by police on women in
Imamganj and demanding arrest of culprit police officials. A large
number of women victim of the said lathi-charge were also participating
in the dharna. In Jahanabad, a continuous dharna from 20 to 25 August
was held on the same demand. Later police entered an FIR against the
culprit police officials.
A dharna was organized by AISA, RYA, AISF, AIDSO, SFI, AIYF, AIYO and
DYFI in protest against Imamganj killing by police at Patna Jn. Railway
Station Square on 27 August. Student organisations demanded release of
student leader Sushil Kumar and suspension of the culprit police
officials and institution of murder case against them.

Demonstration Against Police Atrocities
A large demonstration was held on 24 August before SP of Murshidabad in
West Bengal to protest the atrocities by police-criminal combine on
CPI(ML) activists and common people in Kandi Block of the district.
Irritated by people’s long-drawn struggle against him, the notorious
criminal Sayeem, who enjoys patronage of local Congress leaders, had
unleashed a spate of violent attacks with open support from the SDPO of
the block.
A five member delegation headed by Party State Secretary Com. Kartik Pal
met the SP and demanded immediate stop on police atrocities, asking him
to constitute an enquiry against the SDPO and duly punish on finding him
guilty, to arrest the notorious criminal Sayeem and to provide adequate
compensation to the victim families. The SP promised to take the matter
to the appropriate level. Com. Kartik Pal in his address before the
demonstration condemned the State Home Minister Buddhadev Bhattacharya
for his inaction, which according to him was a typical expression of the
CPI(M)’s line of aligning with the Congress. Other speakers included
State Committee members Com. Nirmal Ghose and Krishna Pramanik and
Murshidabad District Party Secretary Com. Tapan Bhattacharya.

Movement Against Irregular Electricity Supply

Party mobilised local people of Guptipara in Hooghly district of West
Bengal in a protest demonstration before electricity supply authority
resenting against transformer failure, irregular supply of electricity
which had resulted in stoppage of the supply of drinking water for a
number of days. When despite being given prior notice, none of the
authorities was present to receive the deputation, agitated people
gheraoed four employees present in the office and the gherao continued
for three hours until the authorities invited the deputation for talks.
Ultimately the authorities were compelled to make a promise before the
agitating masses that action would be taken to improve the situation

Jahanabad Killing of Students
CPI(ML) Demands
NHRC Probe
CPI(ML) has appealed to National Human Rights Commission to intervene
into the case of brutal killing of three students on 18 August in
Imamganj police picket in Bihar. It is to be noted that in face of
massive protests against the killing the state government has only
resorted to more repression and till now no guilty has been arrested,
merely an FIR has been lodged. In this scenario one cannot hope that the
state government will do justice. Therefore, while continuing with the
agitation the Party has asked NHRC to independently probe into the
incident, bring the culprits to book and order compensation to the
families of the victims.
Road Roko Against Killing by Ranvir Sena
In Koil village of Charpokhri PS, Ranvir Sena killers caught two poor
peasants Phulan Sah (42) and Vijay pandit (30) who were returning after
catching fish and killed them. Party took prompt initiative and Com. Ram
Naresh Ram and ex-MLA Chandradeep Singh investigated the incident. Road
was blocked for the whole day and it was lifted only after
administration promised to arrest the culprits.
Protest Against Move to Impose Art. 356 on W.B.
Com. Kartik Pal, Secretary of Party’s West Bengal unit, in a statement
strongly opposed the Trinamul Congress demand to impose president rule
in the state. CPI(ML) was opposed to terror and murder politics adopted
by both CPI(M) and Trinamul Congress and would mobilize people against
this. And CPI(ML) is against ouster of an elected government, people
themselves can bring a change in the government by their vote.
CPI(ML) West Bengal State Committee has issued a call to organise
propaganda campaign throughout the state against political terror
unleashed by Trinamul Congress and CPI(M) on 31 August, while observing
the Food Movement Martyrs’ Day. Various forms including procession,
demonstration and leaflet distribution will be adopted observing this

Blatant Jingoism Decried

One extremely atrocious article published in India Today, which brands
the whole range of liberal, democratic, left and revolutionary forces in
the country as anti-national and enemies of the society, and issus a
fatwa for their liquidation, symbolizes a new phase of rightist fascist
offensive not only against left but also liberals. This was expressed in
a meeting convened by Jan Sanskriti Manch on 25 August in Lucknow. India
Today, which had emerged as the foremost mouthpiece of imperialist
globalisation and neo-liberal market economy, has also become mouthpiece
of the fascist ideological offensive. This calls for a popular and
broad-based counter-offensive in literature and culture, the speakers
opined. Among them were Rakesh from IPTA journalist Shaqil Siddiqi and
Anil Sinha, Ajanta Lohit, Ashok Chandra, Lal Bahadur Singh, Rakesh Singh
and Kaushal Kishor of AISA. The meeting was presided over by Mohan
Thapaliayal and conducted by Ajay Singh, Gen. Secy. of JSM. Earlier a
number of copies of India Today were also burned  burnt by AISA, RYA,
and AIPWA.


AISA-RYA to Gherao UP Assembly in October
AISA and RYA jointly intend to gherao UP Assembly in October to take the
ongoing student unrest to a higher phase. The intensity of the movement
is uneven because the BJP govt. has adopted a Machiavelian tactics of
implementing the fee hike with discrimination. And authorities are
desperately trying to split and divide the movement on caste lines. So
far, however, students have firmly rebuffed these designs. ABVP leaders'
attempts to sabotage the movement from within have only resulted in
their getting further exposed and isolated. The current spate of student
unrest in UP marks the arrival of a democratic student movement, after a
decade long period of pessimism, confusion and lull engendered by splits
and divisions in the student community on emotive issues and along
sectarian lines during Mandal-Kamandal phase. Belying the fond hopes of
the reactionaries that the student movement had died away in the era of
liberalisation, (as declared by India Today) the younger generation is
once again on the move.

Joint Left Convention in Punjab

A joint convention against Globalisation was organised by  CPI(ML), MCPI
and Lok Sangharsh Morcha, consisting of CPI(M)  dissidents, at Barnala
of Sangrur district on 24 August. About 400 people participated in the
convention. Veteran communist and General Secretary of MCPI Com. Jagjit
Singh Lyallpuri, ex-MLA of CPI(M) and Covnvener of Lok Sangharsh Morcha
Com. Tarsem Jodha, and Party Central Committee member incharge of Punjab
Com. Swapan Mukherjee were the main speakers. Com. Labh Singh Akiliya,
leader of RYA conducted the convention. Import of milk products to the
detriment of local milksellers, the government announcement to procure
60% of foodgrains through private traders in the coming season, hike in
electricity tariff and other inputs, irregularity in payment of wages to
the employees, closure of cooperative mills, unprecedented hike in fees
and capitation fee in professional courses, joblessness among
agricultural laborers and increasing police atrocities including
custodial deaths were some of the issues highlighted in the convention.
The convention decided to jointly chalk out agitation programs against
anti-people policies of the Akali-BJP government.

Homestead Land Restored to Landless

In Pahsara village of Begusarai district in Bihar, 15 households
belonging to Tatma caste were evicted by local feudal lumpen elements
from the land they were dwelling in for the last 100 years. A Party
delegation met SDO and Circle Officer and brought this act in their
notice, and demanded the restoration of the land to the rightful owners.
Party conduced a meeting of 200 agrarian laborers and brought out a
torchlight procession on 20 August against the eviction. A demonstration
was also staged before the office of the Collector. Large number of
agrarian laborers participated in the demonstration and street corner
meetings. Under the pressure of the movement the CO had to expel feudal
elements from the land and to proclaim to resettle the Tatma households
on their original lands.

RYA National Executive Meet

The National Executive of RYA (Revolutionary Youth Association) will
hold its session on 20-21 September in New Delhi to take stock of the
ongoing initiatives. Basing on the reports of the recent month-long
membership campaign, the executive may take a decision on convening the
second national conference of RYA.

International Solidarity

International Solidarity for Struggle Against 'Plan Columbia'
On 30 August, when Bill Clinton will be visiting Colombia in order to
give his personal support for the so called “Plan Colombia” and to
further the politics of US intervention in the region, many communist
parties, trade unions, human right associations and popular
organizations in USA,  Europe and Latin American countries will hold
protest demonstrations against this undesired visit.
The “Plan Colombia” means a large amount of money at the disposal of the
Colombian government, officially dedicated to fight drug traffic and to
eliminate the cultivation of cocoa by implementing alternative economic
and social development programs. In reality this plan implies: influx of
new US-military advisers in addition to those already there since years;
latest military technology for the Colombian army and creation of new
battalions for special operations; elimination of cocoa plantations
without any program for alternative cultivation bringing more misery and
hunger for thousands of peasants, political protection for the
paramilitary groups, the real big drug cartels; and protection for the
destructive activities of the multinational enterprises.
It will also lead to the forced expulsion of at least 200,000 persons
that would enlarge the contingent of almost 1,800,000 persons that has
been expelled from their lands and communities by paramilitary groups
and the Colombian army and terrorizing the civil population that is
suspected to support the guerrilla movement. In August the Army killed
six children during their school journey to the mountains, and five
peasants were killed sadistically and brutally by a paramilitary group
very near to a military installation of the army.
The “Plan Colombia” is also a threat for the peace process between the
FARC (Revolutionary Army of Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation
Army) and the government, as the Colombian government lacks will to
solve the causes that has led to the armed conflict and the finances of
the Plan will strengthen the hawks, the Colombian oligarchy and Army.
In the course of this onslaught against Colombian people a direct
US-military intervention, in whatsoever form, can no longer be ruled
out. So an appeal for international solidarity against Plan Columbia was
issued by a number of organisations.
In a message to the organisers of protest our Party has shared this
concern and assured all possible efforts to mobilise Indian people in
solidarity to the international protest against the US war design
against Colombian people.

Strengthen the Party Campaign
A Tribune of the People
It is not by evading class struggle that the proletariat expect to find
its salvation, but by developing it, by extending its scope, its
consciousness, organisation, and resoluteness. Whoever disparages the
task of political struggle transforms the communist from a tribune of
the people into a trade union secretary. Whoever disparages the
proletarian tasks in a democratic bourgeois revolution transforms the
communist from a leader of people's revolution into a leader of free
labour union.
Yes, the people's revolution. Communist Party has fought and is quite
rightly fighting, against the bourgeois democratic abuse of the word "
people". It demands that this word shall not be used to cover up failure
to understand class antagonisms within the people. It insists
categorically on the need for complete class independence for the party
of the proletariat. However, it does not divide the "people" into
"classes" so that the advanced class will become locked up within
itself, will confine itself within narrow limits, and emasculate its
activity for fear that the economic rulers of the world will recoil; it
does that so that the advanced class, which does not suffer from the
half-heartedness, vacillation, and indecision of the intermediate
classes, should fight with all the greater energy and enthusiasm for the
cause of the whole people, at the head of the whole people.
As representatives of the advanced and only revolutionary class,
revolutionary without any reservations, doubts, or looking back, we must
confront the whole of the people with the task of the democratic
revolution as extensively and boldly as possible and with the utmost
initiative. ------   (Lenin CW, Vol:9)

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