MID-HUDSON ACTION CALENDAR, Jan. 11, 2001, issue #34

INFORMATION about the Counter-Inaugural Protest in Washington will be
found under Jan. 20 below. FOLLOWING are some progressive political
activities of interest, scheduled locally, nearby and elsewhere,
preceded by this week’s quote, and several news reports your local paper
probably ignored. The calendar is published by the Mid-Hudson National
People's Campaign and the local branch of the International Action
Center.  Send information about upcoming events to Jack A. Smith (914)
255-5779 or Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you know someone who might
benefit from this calendar, ask them to subscribe at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you no longer wish to receive the calendar,
say so at same address.

ISSUE #34 QUOTE: Martin Luther King Jr. was born Jan. 15, 1929 and would
have been 72 years old next week.   Just imagine the contributions he
would have made had he been allowed to live out his life.   King wrote
the following on April 16, 1963, in his famous Letter From Birmingham
City Jail, explaining that simply because something is the law, doesn’t
mean it’s just:  "There are some instances when a law is just on its
face but unjust in its application. I was arrested Friday on a charge of
parading without a permit. Now there is nothing wrong with an ordinance
that requires a permit for a parade, but when the ordinance is used to
preserve segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege
of peaceful assembly and peaceful protest, then it becomes unjust."



“OURS”  AND “THEIRS”:  The Clinton years have been very good to CEOs of
the top U.S. corporations, according to figures recently released by
Business Week. The magazine reported that these powerful executives
“earned” an average $12.4 million in 1999--six times what they took in
at the beginning of the decade.  This amounts to 475 times the wages of
the average blue-collar worker. Twenty years ago, U.S. corporate bosses
got 40 times more pay than the worker.  By comparison, Japanese
corporate leaders today bring home no more than 11 times the wages of an
average factory worker. In Germany, it’s 13 times.   Most working class
Americans have no idea that they are exploited at a far greater rate
than comparable workers in other industrialized countries or that “our”
ruling class is so much greedier than “theirs.”  

AFL-CIO:  DON’T BUY, DO BUY:  “Many of the goods and services Americans
buy come with a hidden cost: abuse of the workers behind them.”  So says
the AFL-CIO, which continues: “Even shoppers who want to avoid buying
sweatshop-made products and supporting union-busting employers find it
difficult to locate good alternatives.”  As a remedy, the union
organization has established two websites “for worker-friendly
shopping.”  They are The Worker Friendly Marketplace at
workingfamilies.com, and the AFL-CIO’s Union Label and Service Trades
Dept. at www.aflcio.org.  Here’s an example of “Don’t Buy” products:
Clothing--Master Apparel, makers of men’s and boys’ trousers with Hills
and Archer and Ivy Hill labels.  Food/beverages--California table
grapes; Diamond Walnut co.; Farmland Dairy; Mt. Olive Pickle Co. 
Hotels--Best Western-Grosvenor Resort, located at Disney World; Four
Points by Sheraton in Waterbury, Conn.; Holiday Inn Sunspree Hotel in
Kapaa, Hawaii; and New Otani Hotel and Garden in Los Angeles.  There are
lots of “Do Buys,”  too, so check it out.

peoples of the former Soviet Union seem to be endless.  In calendar #32
(Dec. 13) we reported shocking statistics on life, death and poverty
since the transition from socialism to capitalism--facts our local media
routinely ignore.  Now comes a new UNICEF study of the plight of
children in the various countries of the ex-USSR and East Europe,
titled, Young People in Changing Societies. "Today's young people find
that the institutions, resources and social norms that once smoothed the
way from one generation to the next are either weak, in the process of
fundamental change or non-existent," the report notes.  A 1999
investigation of  65 million young people in these countries shows that
18 million (27%) were neither in school nor employed. Youth
unemployment, which didn’t exist 10 years ago, has jumped to 30% in most
of the countries. In 1989, virtually  100% of children in Albania,
Bulgaria and Romania graduated from high school--a figure that dropped
to 20% by 1997. In Lithuania, White Russia, Russia and Turkmenistan, the
youth suicide rate more than doubled in the last decade. In destitute
Russia, the death rate of young people between 15-24 years old was 30%
higher in 1998 than in 1989. HIV infection was almost unknown during
Soviet times. By the end of 1999, those infected  with AIDS neared
400,000 and it’s still going up.  Young people are the principal



Friday, Jan. 12, RHINECLIFF:   Party and benefit to support the movement
to end sanctions against Iraq and help pay for medical supplies being
shipped to Baghdad in violation of the U.S./UN embargo which has claimed
1.5 million lives in the 10 years since the Gulf War.  The event starts
at 10 p.m. at the Rhinecliff Hotel and it is sponsored by the Mid-Hudson
Coalition to End Sanctions on Iraq, a group initiated by students from
Bard and Vassar and community groups.  Entertainment includes PErFect
(“the most rockin’ band at Bard College”); Badger  (“femme rockers from
Saugerties”); MC Whitebread (“Dutchess county’s own” Joel Tyner), among
others.  Information, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Friday, Jan. 12,  NEW YORK-BAGHDAD: Defying U.S./UN sanctions, a group
of over 50 delegates led by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark
will depart from the U.S. for the Middle East today, arriving in
Baghdad, Iraq, Jan. 13. The delegation, including three college students
from the Mid-Hudson region and SUNY professor Barbara Scott, will
commemorate the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-led Gulf War on Jan. 16.
Iraq Challenge IV will bring tons of medicines and medical supplies to
Iraq “in an act of solidarity with our Iraqi sisters and brothers in
Iraq and in defiance of the genocidal sanctions and continued bombing.”
Said delegate Sara Flounders, a co-director of the International Action
Center, which Clark heads, "We know that the amount of humanitarian aid
we bring cannot truly meet the needs of the Iraqi people. Only ending
the sanctions and allowing Iraq to resume normal trade relations can
bring an end to the country's catastrophic economic situation. Secretary
of State nominee Gen. Colin Powell, has already threatened tighter
sanctions and increased aggression against Iraq. This demonstrates the
great urgency for antiwar and anti-sanctions forces to stand up and
mobilize right now.”  Flounders said that the IAC is urging
anti-sanctions activists to turn out en masse for the Jan. 20
counter-inaugural protest in Washington with signs and banners demanding
an end to sanctions and to all U.S. aggression.  For information,
contact  the IAC at (212) 633-6646, www.iacenter.org or

Friday, Jan. 12, HIGHLAND: "Whose River is It Anyway?" is the title of
an address by Manna Jo Greene, who will speak on the EPA’s Proposed
Remediation Plan to remove PCBs from the upper Hudson.  Location is the
Boughton Place meeting hall on Kisor Rd., just south of Rt. 299 between
New Paltz and Rt. 9W. Potluck at 6 p.m.; meeting at 7 p.m..  Email,

Saturday, Jan. 13, KINGSTON:  Ulster Co. Friends of Clearwater starts
its Winter 2001 Coffeehouse benefit concert series with Stephanie Fix,
Susan McClean and Karen Brooks, at Holy Cross Church on Pine Grove Ave.
The club will convene its business meeting at 5:00 p.m.; potluck supper
at 6:30 p.m.; concert at 8 p.m.  Contribution at the door, plus
refreshments. Information, Susan Murphy, (845) 246-0697 or

Sunday, Jan. 14, KINGSTON:  “PCBs: Is Dredging the Answer?” The
scheduled speaker is Rich Sciafo from Scenic Hudson.  12 p.m. at the
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills, 320 Sawkill Rd.,
Kingston.  Sponsored by the UUCC’s Social Action Committee. Information,
(845) 331-2884, 688-2313, or 246-5235.

Sunday, Jan. 14, WOODSTOCK: The “11th Annual Birthday Tribute to Martin
Luther King Jr.--Keep the Dream Alive” event starts at 7 p.m. at the
Woodstock Community Center on Rock City Road. This gala event--and it’s
free, too!--includes Pam Africa (leader of the campaign to free Mumia
Abu-Jamal), Kay Olan (a Mohawk storyteller who uses her art on behalf of
Native American peoples), Odell Winfield (Co-chair of COLOR, among other
organizations), Don Moore (with gospel music), Ras T and the Asheber
Posse (Roots, Rock & Reggae),  Dennis Yerry (Native American music), Pat
Humphries (Songs of freedom), Seeds of Wisdom (Political Rap), and Songs
of Solomon (reggae).  Sponsored by the Woodstock Committee to Free Mumia
Abu-Jamal, Haitian People’s Support Project and COLOR.  Information,
679-0605, 679-7320.  

Monday, Jan. 15, POUGHKEEPSIE:  The annual M. L. King March for Social
and Economic Justice will begin from the Family Partnership Center, 29
N. Hamilton St.  Events start at noon with a speakout, then march. This
year, an additional emphasis will be on voting rights and threats to
democracy, stemming from the disenfranchisement of many African-American
voters in Florida’s presidential election and the Supreme Court
appointment of Bush as president.  Information, Mae Parker-Harris, (845)
495-3515, or Lateef Islam at (845) 452-6088.

Monday, Jan. 15, ALBANY:  This is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and there
will be two events in the state capital.
     First is a daylong celebration of King’s life and principles. The
Center for Law and Justice and various community groups will
participate.  Groups check in at Empire State Plaza at 7:30 a.m.,
followed by an 8:30 a.m. press conference at the main entrance of Empire
State Convention Center, featuring Dr. Alice Green, members of Prison
Families of New York, and of the Coalition for Parole Restoration. From
9-11:30 a.m. there  will be speakers and discussion.  At noon starts the
state-sponsored public march to the King Memorial in Lincoln Park.
Progressive themes for the day-long celebration will emphasize the need
for the criminal justice system to take a more restorative approach to
justice, and reiterate the call for a statewide moratorium on the death
penalty. Information,  (518) 427-8361.
        Second, there will be a “Martin Luther King Jr. Day--Labor and Civil
Rights Solidarity” event from 1-4 p.m. at the Wilborn Temple Church,
Swan & Jay Streets.  More information later, including possible
additional events elsewhere. Speaking will be Bill Fletcher, assistant
to AFL-CIO President John Sweeney and a leader of the Coalition Of Black
Trade Unionists. Information, (518) 462-6005, Email

Monday, Jan. 15, EVERYWHERE: Dr. King’s birthday is a good day to
remember that if Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier
isn’t out of prison by Jan. 20 (Bush’s inaugural), he may rot in jail.
FBI pressure may prevent President Clinton from  extending a holiday
clemency. You can send a fax message to Clinton by logging on to
www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/usa/peltier/getInvolved.html.  At the
same time, call the White House at (202) 456-1111. (Press zero to bypass
the automated system.)  Also sign the online petition at
www.petitiononline.com/Clemency/petition.html.  Follow up with an Email
to Clinton at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  There’s also an online poll
where you can vote to pardon the Native American activist at

Monday-Saturday, Jan. 15-Jan 20, ALL OVER: “Pro-Democracy Week,” from M.
L. King’s birthday to Inauguration Day. “Teach-ins, demonstrations,
rallies and other forms of action will be taking place in localities
throughout the country during this week,” we have been informed.  In
Washington, Jan. 17-19, the Institute for Policy Studies is putting
forward its “Progressive Challenge Coalition--a gathering including
speakers and workshops with the goal of launching working groups and an
electronic network linking progressives across the country with allies
in Congress.”  For information about Pro-Democracy Week, contact the
Independent Progressive Politics Network at  (973) 338-5398 or 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] For information on the January 17-19 Progressive
Challenge Coalition event, (202) 234-9382, x. 238 or

Wednesday, Jan. 17, ALL OVER (including ALBANY):  Today is the
“International Day of Action to Close the School of Assassins (SOA),”
also known as the School of the Americas, at Ft. Benning, Ga. 
Coincidentally, it’s the day the SOA will be renamed as “The Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation” in an effort to obfuscate
its real purpose.  The facility will still remain a U.S. government
combat training school for Latin American soldiers. The protest group
SOA Watch is calling on local groups and individuals to take action in
their local communities today--from educational events to vigils and
other forms of opposition. Information, (202) 234-3440, Email
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  www.soaw.org.
In ALBANY, discussion about efforts to close down the school with a
guest speaker from SOA Watch office. Vegetarian potluck dinner, 5:30
p.m.; presentation, 7 p.m., at Emmaus (Catholic Worker) House, 35 N.
Main Ave. Information (518) 482-4966

Thursday, Jan. 18, ALBANY: Public Forum on Reproductive Rights featuring
a discussion of current issues including medical abortions
(RU486/mifepristone), hospital mergers and the threat to availability of
reproductive health-care services, legislative attempts to prohibit
late-term ("partial birth") abortions, Medicaid funding for abortion,
contraceptive and reproductive equity, and young people's rights. 7-9
p.m. program is free and open to the public.  Sponsored by the New York
Civil Liberties Union, Capital Region Chapter. Sage College, Campus
Center, 2nd Floor, 140 New Scotland Ave. Information, (518) 436-8594.

Saturday, Jan.  20, WASHINGTON: Most permits requested by the
counter-inaugural coalition have been granted by authorities after weeks
of stalling, so it’s going to be legal to perform the
constitutionally-guaranteed act of protesting the inauguration of George
W. Bush as president.  We estimate a minimum of  300 people from the
Hudson Valley region (Albany down to Westchester) will demonstrate in
the nation’s capital.  Many thousands are coming from New York and other
areas of the Northeast, as well as Midwest and South.  Major
demonstrations are also planned in San Francisco and San Diego, among
other Western cities.  Here’s an up-to-date roundup:
        MID-HUDSON: We have obtained a second bus, so seats are now available
once again--but probably not for long so order your seat today.  Buses
leave from KINGSTON and NEW PALTZ in the early hours of Jan. 20,
arriving in Washington just before events begin at 10 a.m., and leaving
for home between 5-6 p.m. The round-trip cost is $35. Call (845)
255-5779 or Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for reservation. After we tell
you if seats are still available, send your check made out to the
Mid-Hudson National People’s Campaign to MHNPC, P.O. Box 523, Highland,
NY 12528. We would like to assist low-income people with lower price
scholarships, so if any people on this list can make a contribution for
this purpose, please let us know immediately and we will earmark your
donation for that purpose. 
        ALBANY:  At least two busses at $35 per ticket, with some scholarships
available. Contact Steve Segore, (518) 426-4254 or [EMAIL PROTECTED],
or Joe Seeman at (518) 584-4326 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
        LOWER HUDSON VALLEY:  A bus leaves from WHITE PLAINS in Westchester.
        NEW YORK CITY is sending scores of buses from three locations in
Manhattan and one in Brooklyn.  Call or Email the International Action
Center at (212) 633-6646 or iacenter@iacenter.
        As mentioned, D.C. police have issued permits.  After telling
organizers, for the last two months they wouldn’t get permits,
authorities finally authorized the IAC’s requests this week to hold 
counter-inaugural demonstrations at Freedom Plaza (14th St.  and
Pennsylvania Ave. NW), the Justice Department (10th St. and Pennsylvania
Ave. NW) and at McPherson Sq. (15th St. and I NW).  In a packed press
conference carried by CSpan Jan. 9, the IAC’s Brian Becker and Larry
Holmes told reporters they were concerned about any possible police
maneuvers to prevent access to these legal sites.  They noted that the
IAC had permits to protest in Washington April 15, but police arrested
over 500 marchers before they could reach the permitted area.  They
urged the assembled members of the media to keep their eyes on the
police to make sure they did not try to stop legal protests.
        3.  EVENTS:  It’s too early to list the exact protest events because 
being worked out within the coalition and between the coalition and the
authorities.  We will send out a listing of specific activities soon. 
The IAC will list information as it becomes available on its website at
www.iacenter.org.. Other websites include: www.inaugurauction.org.,
www.now.org, www.votermarch.org, www.countercoup.org, www.mumia2000.org.
        4. ORGANIZING: A huge and broad coalition has been formed to
participate in counter-inauguration events.  In addition to the IAC, the
coalition includes such forces as the Justice Action Movement, NOW,
WILPF, the Independent Progressive Politics Network, Global Exchange,
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Millions
for Mumia, InaugurAuction, Refuse and Resist, PUSH (Jesse Jackson’s
organization), League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations; Vieques Support
campaign; Haiti Support Network.  The list goes on and on.

Saturday, Jan. 20, KINGSTON:  Can’t get to Washington today?  The next
best place is Academy Green Park where a local counter-inaugural vigil
in solidarity with the Washington action will take place from 1-2:30
p.m.  Bring your own signs.  The sponsor is the Caribbean and Latin
America Support Project (CLASP), which is based in New Paltz.  To reach
the park from the Kingston Thruway  traffic circle, take Chandler Drive,
Rt. 547, to the first traffic light, and turn right one block.
Information, (845) 255-0113, 691-8289, 679-7502.

Saturday, Jan. 20, ALBANY: A counter-inaugural rally “Against the Stolen
Election” will held at 3 p.m. at the Leo O’Brien Federal Bldg., Clinton
Ave. and Broadway. Details in the next issue.

Saturday, Jan. 20, NEW YORK CITY:  “Protest the Inauguration of  George
Bush,  Stop U.S. Intervention in Colombia! Stop the Death Machine!”
Demonstration in solidarity with the national mobilization in D.C.  From
12-2 p.m., Times Sq.  Information, Colombian Action Committee, (212)

Monday, Jan. 22, ANYWHERE:  Something tells us we’re all going to be
sending a lot of petitions to the White House over the next four years. 
Welcome Bush on his first day at the job by asking him to protect
America’s Heritage Forests.  Log on to www.ourforests.org and you can
Email the new chief executive a message urging expanded forest

Tuesday, Jan. 23, POUGHKEEPSIE: Public Comment on EPA's proposed PCB
remediation plan for the Hudson River is tentatively scheduled to take
place at Marist College. Details later.  Check Clearwater website

Tuesday, Jan. 23, NEW YORK: Screening of SHARK (Showing Animals Respect
and Kindness) videos exposing animal abuse, with a discussion about the
use of videos to win people over. Free, 7-9 p.m., Wetlands, 161 Hudson
St. (3 blocks south of Canal). Information (212) 966-4831,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], www.wetlands-preserve.org.

Wednesday, Jan. 24, SHULTZVILLE: 7:30 p.m.  Dutchess Greens meeting. 
Clinton Town Hall on Route 18 (Centre Rd.). Public invited. Information,
call Glen Burger at (845) 889-4158, [EMAIL PROTECTED],  or

Friday-Monday, Jan. 26-29, WASHINGTON: A “Youth Summit on Globalization”
is being sponsored by the Sierra Club and Amnesty International.  They
say, “We have space to accept 200 students from around the country to
join us for this event. At the Summit, we will learn from each other new
skills and methods for building the Human Rights and the Environmental
movement together. We'll learn grassroots organizing, coalition
building, message development, strategic planning and other critical
tools for effective campaigning. We are looking for applicants
interested in being involved in this event and would love to hear from
you and/or your friends.”  For information Email  Alejandro Queral
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or phone (202) 675-6279. For an
application online, www.sierraclub.org/human-rights and then click the
Youth Summit icon. The deadline for applying is Dec. 13.

Saturday, Jan. 27, ALBANY: “The Case For Black Reparations”--are
African-Americans entitled to compensation for 400 years of enslavement
and legalized discrimination? The Herukhuti Afrikan Enlightenment
Council presents the “Free Your Mind Lecture Series” featuring Sam E.
Anderson, a member of the Black Radical Congress, a founding member of
the Malcolm X Museum, and the author of “Black Holocaust For Beginners.”
Currently, he is education director at Medgar Evers College's Center For
Law and Social Justice in Brooklyn.  Begins at 1:30 p.m. at the Albany
Public Library, 161 Washington Ave. Free, open to the public. 
Information, (518) 482-9390 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 29-30, ALBANY: All pro-choice supporters are
invited to the 24th annual legislative conference sponsored by Family
Planning Advocates of New York State at Empire State Plaza. Barry Lynn,
Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, is the keynote
speaker.  Meetings with legislators, workshops, Truth for Youth
activities for teen advocates, and a teen parenting forum. Contact
Kathleen Boyle (518) 374-5353, ext. 307, www.fpaofnys.org.

Tuesday, Jan. 30 (VARIOUS LOCATIONS): The Bush administration indicates
it plans to continue President Clinton's increasing military
intervention in Colombia.  And it's already making threatening gestures
toward neighboring Venezuela.  In response, the U.S. Out of Colombia
Committee of the International Action Center--which sent a delegation
led by Ramsey Clark to meet with FARC leaders recently--is calling for
coordinated nationwide protests against the developing U.S. military
presence in Colombia and the region.  Information,  (212) 633-6646 or

Sunday, Feb. 4 ALBANY: This is the day of the Basta Ya! Freedom
Conference. There will be a remembrance of Amadou Diallo (the African
immigrant who was murdered in a barrage of 42 bullets fired by New York
City police who were tried and freed by an Albany court last year.
Also,  “Rally, drum circles, workshops, open mic, hip-hop, free
housing/food,” etc. Information, [EMAIL PROTECTED] For housing ,
(518) 426-8862.

Sunday, Feb. 4, HIGHLAND: Several local Mid-Hudson residents will be
just returning from separate trips to Cuba, visiting various parts of
the country, and reporting back on what they saw and learned.  The
meeting, one of a series of monthly gatherings organized by the
Caribbean and Latin America Support Project (CLASP), starts at 7 p.m. at
Boughton Place meeting hall in Highland, just south of Rt. 299 midway
between Rt. 9W and New Paltz thruway exit 18.  A potluck dinner begins
at 6 p.m. and will give you an opportunity to meet with others local
residents with progressive views who have an additional political
interest in events in Latin America and the Caribbean region.  Admission
free, all invited. Info and directions: (845) 691-8289.

Monday-Tuesday, Feb. 5-6, EVERYWHERE:  National Call-In Days to the
White House:  These two days have been designated by the Back from the
Brink Campaign for calling or writing the President to urge him to
reduce the danger of accidental nuclear war by working with the Russians
to take all nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert.  Call the President
at (202) 456-1414 or write him at White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Washington, DC 20500.  For more information, call the Campaign at (202)
545-1001 or Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wednesday, Feb. 21, NEW YORK: “Globalization, Neoliberalism and
Resistance: The Case of Cuba,” 7:30 p.m.  The speaker will be Ambassador
Rafael Dausa (Deputy Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United
Nations) who will discuss how Cuba protects its socialist ideology and
culture in the face of global imperialism. At the Brecht Forum, 122 W.
27 St., 10th Fl. Admission, $6-10. Information, New York Committees of
Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, (212) 229-2388.

Sunday, March 4, HIGHLAND:  Two CLASP members--Joanne Steele of St. Remy
and Ed Haffmans of Accord--will discuss their recent visit to Nicaragua,
where they were involved in a solar energy project. (Ed has long been
active in trying to revive SUNY’s solar house.) The meeting, one of a
series of monthly gatherings organized by the Caribbean and Latin
America Support Project (CLASP), starts at 7 p.m. at Boughton Place
meeting hall in Highland, just south of Rt. 299 midway between Rt. 9W
and New Paltz thruway exit 18.  A potluck dinner begins at 6 p.m. and
will give you an opportunity to meet with others local residents with an
interest in progressive views and who have an additional political
interest in events in Latin America and the Caribbean region.  Admission
free, all invited. Info and directions: (845) 691-8289.

Tuesday-Sunday, March 6-11, WASHINGTON: U.S. Campaign to Ban Landmines
Legislative Action Events: a conference, advocacy training, meetings
with members of Congress, student workshops, a reception with
campaigners, survivors, and world officials, and a giant shoe pile are
planned in Washington, D.C.  The shoes symbolize the hundreds of
thousands of people who have lost legs and feet to these terrible
weapons. Information, call USCBL at (617) 695-0041 or Email

Friday-Sunday, March 9-11, NEW YORK CITY:  Critical Resistance
Conference. The meeting, a follow-up on the 1998 conference in Berkeley,
CA, “will bring prisoners and their families together with other
concerned people working against the prison system and its expanding
role in our society.“ Details will follow.

Tuesday, March 20, ALL OVER: Today is the 17th Annual Great American
Meatout,  a national campaign coordinated by Farm Animal Reform Movement
(FARM). Individual events are conducted by local consumer,
environmental, and animal protection groups. Across the country there
will be public dinners, cooking demonstrations, a congressional
reception, and information tables set up at supermarkets, schools, and
libraries.  We assume local animal rights and vegetarian groups will be
involved.  Information, 1-888-FARM USA or www.meatout.org.  

Wednesday, March 21, NEW YORK:  “Globalization, Neoliberalism and
Resistance: The Case of Vietnam.” Speaker: Le Hoai Trung, Vietnam’s
Deputy UN Representative. He will discuss how Vietnam protects its
socialist ideology and culture in the face of global imperialism. 7:30
p.m. at the Brecht Forum, 122 W. 27 St., 10th floor. Contribution,
$6-10. New York Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and
Socialism, (212) 229-2388.

Tuesday, March 27, ALBANY:  “March and Rally to Repeal the Rockefeller
Drug Laws.” Outside the Capitol. Organized by Families Against Mandatory
Minimums and many other groups. Information, (518)452-5455,

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