En relación a [L-I] ïÔ×ÅÔ: [L-I] To moderators from Russia - to,
el 20 Jan 01, a las 19:36, Svetlana Baiborodova dijo:

> ... you have not seen, that the indicated phrase belongs not to Vladimir but to
> his friend, whose letter was published on the Leninist-International list.


I agree with the above. I was not sure whether it had been Bilenkin himself who
had written those lines or, as I had thought, his friend in Florida. The
Russian cdes. are finally supporting my first impression. I feel that eviction
of Vladimir was quite unjustified, in this sense, and a concession to political

We have an opportunity, at least as a potential opportunity, to have some most
important debate on Russia in L-I, where we have cdes. who belong or favor the
KPRF, we have cdes. like Svetlana Baiborodova with a clearly distinct non-KPRF
position, and we can have (if his expulsion is revised, and provided he agrees
to return --VB has a defect IMHO: he gets too angry too easily) Bilenkin with
his own points of view. If we add to this Mark's positions and experience, then
we can probably provide from L-I a unique melting pot where the current
situation of the Russian working class and the perspectives for Russia (which
in more senses than one are still essential for the perspectives of the whole
globe) can be debated, for the benefit of all.

As to the other comments by cde. Svetlana, I am afraid they betray her lack of
contact with the actual situation in the USA and, particularly, of the
situation of African Americans. This is nothing to blame her for, since what
really matters with a revolutionary is to be able to understand the concrete
situation at the place where she or he has to help making a revolution.

One may, of course (and I do commit that sin more often than I would like to)
give opinions on other countries' realities, which is a good way to learn from
those who are actually involved in that reality. But I am sure that what most
members of this list expect from me is, besides general theoretic positions,
the theory and the facts that spurt out of the concrete Argentinean (and to a
lesser extent, Latin American) history and politics.

As for me, I have never learnt more from comrades on L-I than when they
commented on realities they had been strongly engaged into, or they were
engaged into at the moment of writing their postings. And I am hopefully
looking forwards to the exchange that I hope the various Russian members of
this list can have, for Russia and Russian workers are, I repeat, a cornerstone
of the current world situation, and the latter will IMHO -a heavy honor, I
admit- be soon called to decide whether they want to begin again the long march
they assumed when, taking the leadership of the whole of humankind, they
stormed the Winter Palace in 1917, or they prefer to sink further in barbarism
together with all of us.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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