Nader Picks a Milder Shade of Green 

By Cathy Newman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday , August 17, 2000 ; A20 

It's Wednesday, Nov. 8. Think, for a moment, the unthinkable: Ralph Nader has 
made it to the White House. As America's new president, he now has the power 
to carry out the Green Party USA's official agenda, which, the nation may be 
stunned to learn, includes plans to abolish the Senate, to slap a 100 percent 
tax on the affluent, and to break up firms with more than 10 percent market 

But the man the Greens have chosen to run for president has already thrown 
out the most radical elements of the Green Party platform. Nader, it turns 
out, is running with quite another party: the Association of State Green 
Parties, which champions a far more sober set of policies.

The Green Party USA (GPUSA), which calls itself "the original Green Party 
organization in the USA," traces its history to 1984, 12 years before the 
Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) formed. But Nader, who is not a 
Green Party member, says he doesn't "really pay much attention" to the older, 
more radical party's platform.

Of the GPUSA's plans to scrap the Senate and impose a 100 percent tax on all 
income over 10 times the minimum wage, he says: "I don't like those two 
positions. . . . I'm adopting positions that disagree with some positions of 
the Green Party USA. I'm not for the abolition of the Senate. There's so many 
bad things going through Congress I want two opportunities to stop them." 
Taxing a maximum wage, meanwhile, he dismisses as "not comprehensive enough. 
If you really want to have a tax on wealth, have a tax on wealth."

He is running instead with the ASGP, which nominated him the Green 
presidential candidate in Denver last month. The ASGP's longer, more moderate 
platform is organized under four serious-minded headings--"democracy; social 
justice and equal opportunity; environmental sustainability; and economic 

While Nader maintains he's running on the ASGP platform, that's not quite how 
Howie Hawkins sees it. Hawkins, who pulled together the GPUSA platform, 
insists Nader is embracing both parties. "He's using both of us. I really see 
the platforms as different in degree rather than direction. The ASGP calls 
for proportional representation in its platform and the U.S. Senate is 
inherently disproportional, so you could argue that abolishing the U.S. 
Senate is implicit in the demand for proportional representation."

Nader has made it clear he does not want to become embroiled in Green Party 
politics and has no interest in trying to unite the two warring factions. His 
supporters fear that the extreme views of some in the GPUSA are a thorn in 
his side. John Rensenbrink, one of the founders of the ASGP, who is advising 
the Nader campaign, admits: "It's a real problem for us, there's no question 
about that."

By abandoning the Green Party's more unconventional ideas, Nader has been 
able to claim the center ground and gain support from people who would 
traditionally have felt most comfortable voting Democratic. He has, says 
Rensenbrink, cast himself as a "majoritarian."

In doing so, the Greens' presidential candidate is following in the footsteps 
of other major party candidates. In 1996, Robert J. Dole, the Republican 
presidential nominee, said he had not read his party's platform, and 
certainly didn't feel bound by it. Marshall Wittmann, political analyst at 
the Heritage Foundation, explains: "Nader's trying to be a conventional 
unconventional candidate. He's done what many Democrats and Republicans have 
done in the past, which is to ignore their party's platform, particularly 
when it intrudes into attempts to attract the mainstream."

Wittmann sees Nader's alliance with the Green Party as simple opportunism. 
"He needed a vehicle, and the Greens were the most attractive and available 
vehicle to him," he says.

By distancing himself from fringe elements of the Green Party, Nader has 
managed to attract support--or at least sympathetic noises--from a number of 
unions that would usually find the tree-hugging hippie image of the more 
radical Greens abhorrent. The Teamsters, who have backed both Republican and 
Democratic presidential candidates in the past, have not yet decided whether 
to endorse Nader. But his campaign's emphasis on strong labor laws, universal 
health insurance and corporate accountability has been applauded by such 

Union leaders attacked Vice President Gore for supporting permanent normal 
trade relations for China, and the Teamsters' president even stood alongside 
Nader at a news conference after the China trade bill passed Congress.

"Nader is bringing to the forefront issues that matter to working families. 
The fact that he's a Green Party candidate is irrelevant," says Bret 
Caldwell, director of communications for the Teamsters.

It's that kind of sentiment that may mean Nader tips the balance against Gore 
in key states such as Michigan and Ohio. The Green candidate was only on the 
ballot in 29 of 50 states by the end of last month, but he is ranking between 
5 and 7 percentage points in the polls. Achieving more than 5 percent of the 
vote in November would make the Greens eligible for all-important public 
financing in the next presidential election.

David Leland, chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party, plays down the threat. 
"The people in Ohio are going to realize [a vote for Nader] is either going 
to be a wasted vote or a vote for George Bush. The fact that he's been 
discovered as being a multimillionaire, having all those things he's been 
attacking all these years, makes him a bit of a hypocrite," he says.

Nader's supporters counter that he is already successfully putting pressure 
on the vice president to adopt a more progressive stance. Rose Ann DeMoro, 
executive director of the California Nurses Association, which became the 
first union to back Nader in mid-June, says: "Nader's involvement in the race 
is moving Gore to a more progressive platform." She accuses Gore and Bush of 
repelling voters by indulging in "esoteric debates in D.C." without taking 
immediate action to address health reform and other burning issues.

Nader himself believes he may be more help than hindrance to the Democrats. 
If he can reach a fraction of the tens of millions of people who either don't 
vote or back independent candidates, he would send a signal to the Democrats 
without handing Bush the White House. He also reckons the groundswell of 
support for the Greens may help the Democrats win back the House. People who 
did not turn out at the last election may vote for Nader as president, at the 
same time picking a Democratic candidate for House or Senate races. "Anyone 
who says I may cost Gore the election has to concede that I may put [House 
Minority Leader Richard A.] Gephardt back as speaker. That's a nice prospect 
for the Democrats," he says.

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