Owen Jones wrote:

>  Mine,
>  As the person who posted the article, I can assure you that this piece was
> anti-NATO irony ridiculing its bombing of Yugoslavia. The whole point is
> that Israel is guilty of what was used as a pretext to bomb Yugoslavia, and
> yet is the vehicle of American imperialism in the region. Indeed the regime
> in Washington is desperately trying to downplay Israeli crimes. Of course it
> would never happen. That's the whole point. Jeesh, lighten up, political
> irony should not be left to Israeli conspirers...
>  Sometimes I give up.
>  _______________________________________________

Comrade Owen, thanks for clarifying the purpose of the article.

Where was this published, btw?  web location, I mean? It says Telaviv (AP) on the
article but  AP could not locate it.

Though it is an anti-Nato irony, I am still curious to know the web site so that I
can prove my friends here that the article was _actually_ published.



Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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