Generally its a good idea to provide some context to replies so that people
who may not have been following the thread closely, or who have other things
on their minds will easily be able to determine what you're talking about.

However, when quoting, be very careful to edit the quoted sections down to
the bare minimum of text needed to maintain the context for your reply. It
is sort of annoying to page through a few pages of quoted text only to read
a few lines at the end. Also be careful that you clearly indicate what text
you're quoting (as opposed to what you're writing), and if possible, cite
the author of the original text.

If your mail program wants to attach the whole message you're replying to on
the end of your replies, please do not let it do this if you can possibly
avoid it. It is a good thing to include excerpts from previous messages with
your replies to maintain a logical flow of discussion, but it is almost
always a bad thing to include the entire text of a message being replied to,
be it at the start or end of your reply.

Beside pure convenience there is another reason why you should keep quoted
passages to the bare minimum: Though bandwith and speed on the Internet
today is getting less of an issue, there are still listers who suffer from
slow and expansive connections. This you should keep in mind as well.

Johannes Schneider
Co-moderator Leninist-International

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