Am Wed, 06 Dec 2017 23:26:08 -0800

> I adjuststed the model name in the database to match your reported
> Exif model name. I also added the Pentax mount to the other lens
> mentioned in personal email. I don't know why your private database
> files aren't taking precedence over the system database, as long as
> they're valid (darktable run from a terminal should report if they're
> not).

Sometimes my private db works, remember the Canon G7.

How must the file start, from github I get:

<!DOCTYPE lensdatabase SYSTEM "lensfun-database.dtd">
<lensdatabase version="2">

        <name>Tamron Adaptall</name>


With Xenial I should not use a version, so I tried:


        <name>Tamron Adaptall</name>


This doesn't work. I copied this file from ~/.local/share/lensfun
to /usr/share/lensfun. Again, it doesn't work. I have to select a lens
with darktable, but the lens is not available for selection.

The Tamron 17-50 in ~/.local/share/lensfun works. Remember the comment,
this comment is only available in the git-version and it contains a

The files in /usr/share/lensfun do not contain a version.

So strange, because the file contains:


        <name>Tamron Adaptall</name>


        <model>Tamron SP AF 70-200mm f/2.8 Di LD (IF) Macro
        <model lang="en">Tamron SP AF 70-200mm f/2.8 Di LD (IF)
        <mount>Canon EF</mount>
        <mount>Nikon F AF</mount>
        <mount>Sony Alpha</mount>
        <mount>Pentax KAF2</mount>

So, when the file in ~/.local/share/lensfun is ignored, why is it
ignored in /usr/share/lensfun ?

Can you provide a slr-tamron.xml which contains my Tamron 70-200 lens
only for testing? Note, there are 3 Tamron 70-200, but only 1 for
Pentax. I will replace this file in /usr/share/lensfun and delete the
one in ~/.local/share/lensfun. Just to let you know, there is another
user on the machine with local corrections. I cannot access this file,
so it should not influence me.

I send you a PM with samples for testing.


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