As Kayvan has been pointing out for some time now ;-) it seems
revisions 400-405 vanished of the trunk...?  Thoughts, anyone?

Oh - wait a minute.  I just did:

mv trunk trunk404
bzr branch lp:leo-editor trunk
  Branched 399 revision(s).

but when I inspect the log (`bar log |less`) it looks like my changes
are in there still, but they show up a "sub-revisions" (?) in something
merged by Edward.

So is it possible that I and others push trunk up to 405, Edward merges
that into key-bindings, then merges key-bindings back into trunk, and
everything's still there but the number of revisions is lower?

Does that mean the granularity of the branch is reduced?  Maybe not, I
think revisions from me and bobjack that were 397, 398 etc. are now
394.1.10, 394.1.8, etc.

So, my impression is that everything's good, although odd that the
total revision number should drop.

Just when you think you understand bzr :-}

Cheers -Terry

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