Package         LFS      Upstream  Flag

acl             2.2.52     2.2.52     
attr            2.4.47     2.4.47     
autoconf        2.69       2.69       
automake        1.16       1.16.1     *
bash            4.4.18     4.4.18     
bc              1.07.1     1.07.1     
binutils        2.30       2.30       
bison           3.0.4      3.0.4      
bzip2           1.0.6      1.0.6      
check           0.12.0     0.12.0     
coreutils       8.29       8.29       
dbus            1.12.6     1.12.6     
dejagnu         1.6.1      1.6.1      
diffutils       3.6        3.6        
eudev           3.2.5      3.2.5      
e2fsprogs       1.43.9     1.44.0     *
elfutils        0.170      0.170      
expat           2.2.5      2.2.5      
expect          5.45.4     5.45.4     
file            5.32       5.32       
findutils       4.6.0      4.6.0      
flex            2.6.4      2.6.4      
gawk            4.2.1      4.2.1      
gcc             7.3.0      7.3.0      
gdbm            1.14.1     1.14.1     
glibc           2.27       2.27       
gmp             6.1.2      6.1.2      
gperf           3.1        3.1        
grep            3.1        3.1        
groff           1.22.3     1.22.3     
grub            2.02       2.02       
gzip            1.9        1.9        
iana-etc        2.30       2.30       
inetutils       1.9.4      1.9.4      
intltool        0.51.0     0.51.0     
iproute2        4.15.0     4.15.0     
kbd             2.0.4      2.0.4      
kmod            25         25         
less            530        530        
lfs-bootscripts 20170626   20170626   
libcap          2.25       2.25       
libffi          3.2.1      3.2.1      
libpipeline     1.5.0      1.5.0      
libtool         2.4.6      2.4.6      
linux           4.15.7     4.15.9     *
m4              1.4.18     1.4.18     
make            4.2.1      4.2.1      
man-db          2.8.2      2.8.2      
man-pages       4.15       4.15       
meson           0.44.1     0.45.0     *
mpc             1.1.0      1.1.0      
mpfr            4.0.1      4.0.1      
ninja           1.8.2      1.8.2      
ncurses         6.1        6.1        
openssl         1.1.0g     1.1.0g     
patch           2.7.6      2.7.6      
perl            5.26.1     5.26.1     
pkg-config      0.29.2     0.29.2     
procps-ng       3.3.12     3.3.12     
psmisc          23.1       23.1       
Python          3.6.4      3.6.4      
readline        7.0        7.0        
sed             4.4        4.4        
shadow          4.5        4.5        
sysklogd        1.5.1      1.5.1      
systemd         237        238        *
sysvinit        2.88       2.88       
tar             1.30       1.30       
tcl             8.6.8      8.6.8      
texinfo         6.5        6.5        
tzdata          2018c      2018c      
udev-lfs        20171102   20171102   
util-linux      2.31.1     -2         *
vim             8.0.586    8.0.586    
XML-Parser      2.44       2.44       
xz              5.2.3      5.2.3      
zlib            1.2.11     1.2.11     

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