Greg's words: "After looking at your commit in detail, it's quite
clear to me that you've
"borrowed" elements of my research when making these massive changes. I
don't mind you doing that, because it's a step in the right direction, but
could you please do the proper and ethical thing and at least give credit
where credit is due? I suspect Gerard and Matt will be rather unhappy if
their team members are participating in unethical practices. For the
record, I've learned a lot from studying Ryan's scripts and should I ever
produce some cross compilation documentation I will be acknowledging the
work in Cross-lfs, along with Crosstool, etc, etc, etc..."

Greg, kindly examine what you said here - not what you /THINK/ you
said. Then go apologize. Or get back to your own project - LFS needs
neither your insults nor your condescension, and certainly not your

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