On 06/03/2011 09:28 PM, Alex wrote:

> Thank you very much for the total silence you met this thread with.
> It warms the cockles of my heart to see there are still people
> of character around in this wild and crazy world of ours.

Jun 4, 2011 01:43:13 AM, DJ Lucas wrote:

On a related note, it is actually nice to see that someone still cares 
enough to take the time to write a sarcastic message with some flavor in 
this day and age! :-) It sure beats the old "Thanks for nothing", 
grumble and leave routine. Due to your choice of writing style, I was 
unable to tell whether your sarcasm in the above quoted text was 
directed *at* lfs-support, or simply posted for the enjoyment of the 
readers. If not, you should understand that this is a volunteer 
community and that the reasons for silence are many, the most likely 
being that very few people use floppy drives any longer, making this 
community, at least, *unable* to assist. Fortunately, there are people 
upstream working on the kernel that do still use floppies and it was 
fixed. If your message was not directed *at* this list, only posted for 
entertainment, please ignore my comment above and know that I did enjoy 
reading your response right up until I read that last paragraph.
Hi DJ,

First off.
At (B)LFS, to which I've "belonged" for many years now,
I met only nice people and whether volunteer or not, many high
quality professionals.  You, in particular, are at the top of my list.

What has gotten to me is the amateurism, mis-coordination and the
ensuing constant and disgusting cover-up that has reached the highest
levels of "open source" production (witness this incident,
the "settle" in udev-168, Firefox-4.0 and -3.6.14, etc.).
It's possible that, what with the recent and projected technological
directions the world has taken, more people have started to see Linux
as really irrelevant now and jumped ship (in the water or to other
vistas and endeavors du jour).
It's maybe a seemingly insignificant development - ironically, some
poetic justice after years of constantly trashing the enemy -
to find the Home button at the right on the new Firefox.
Is that a white flag or what?

If there is an AT, and there is one, it is clearly pointed at the
_indifference_ shown by (B)LFS denizens at recent "open source"
issues I alluded to (or had in mind).
To see it more clearly, simply imagine one of Window$ iterations just
dropping the floppy "enumeration" at one point.
All Seattle area would've been gutted by fire in an instant.

But then again, as I said, all may be excused and ascribed to the new
attractions in town (and there are many and _valid_) luring people away
from demanding the best (or at least a reasonable level of excellence) in Linux.

Best wishes,
-- Alex
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