> --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
> An: "lfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org" <lfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Betreff: first successful boot with GRUB floppy
> Datum: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 19:44:16 -0800 (PST)
> As the title states, I successfully booted my shiny new LFS-6.1.1
> system with the aid of the grub rescue disk!  You should've seen the
> grin on my face when it happened... priceless.  It's a "by the book"
> system with almost no variations except for booting.  /boot is hdb1,
> swap is hdb2, and / is hdb3.  There were no kernel panics or any other
> noticeable errors for the debut.

Hi Josh

I used thos procedure with lilo for a long time. 
See it as basic information how it could be done.

I installed grub only one time so far and it worked for me - but I'm not
too familiar with grub's way of naming partitions. (I think /dev/hdb5 
corresponds to (hd1,4))

what i did was the following:
(changing the commands from section 8.4 slightly) 

1. start grub
2. run the root command      (for example: "root (hd1,4)")
3. run the setup command - use the same partition as above  
     ( "setup (hd1,4)" )
this installs the bootsector onto the same partition as your LFS
system is installed - your MBR on /dev/hda stays untouched .
4. quit grub

then use the following command to write this bootsector into a file
"dd if=/dev/hdb5 of=/root/boot.lnx bs=512 count=1"

copy the file "boot.lnx" to your windows partition and add a line 
similar to the following to your "boot.ini" - section [operating systems]


and in the section [boot loader] change or add the value for timeout, so 
can choose which OS you want to boot.

[boot loader]

that's it

disadvanteges of this method 
1. you have to rerun the "dd ..." command every time you compile 
a new kernel

2. when using NTFS with your WindowsXP you can't write to your C: drive
so have to boot your WinXP and use something like "explore2fs.exe" to read
your new boot.lnx from your ext2 partition.
hope this helps 
sorry for my bad english

greetings Georg 

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