After 8 hour work ch.6.20. GCC-7.2.0 result was
Summaries (gcc, libatomic, libgomp, libitm,) equal, 
    My=== libstdc++ Summary ===
# of expected passes            11695
# of unexpected failures        5
# of expected failures          66
# of unsupported tests          294

    lfs === libstdc++ Summary ===
# of expected passes            11789
# of unexpected failures        5
# of expected failures          66
# of unsupported tests          247
I have not clarity  ("As of version 4.3.0, GCC now unconditionally installs the 
'limits.h' file into the private 'include-fixed' directory, and that directory 
is required to be in place."), but my 'limits.h' sets into 
/mnt/lfs/tools/include/, and 'include-fixed' not at all.
May I go on?

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