Tab completion is not perfect, but you can switch local/remote completion
by using Meta-Tab (or Esc+Tab) combination.

2014-08-29 1:33 GMT+04:00 Dan39 <>:

> Hello, I have been using lftp for a while and love it! Thank you very much.
> When mirroring it would be a huge help if it was possible to have
> multiple source directories. example: If i do "mirror a b c stuff/" it
> will mirror the remote directories a b and c into stuff/
> but with this also brings to light the problem of tab completions. how
> would lftp know when to tab complete for remote or local directories,
> besides knowing the first one you start typing is of course the remote
> directory. the best way im thinking is to add an option like "-o
> local/" and always tab complete for remote directory until the -o
> option is typed (tho if -o is not given the last directory would still
> be used as local directory so that old scripts work as expected)
> and it already looks like this is a bug with mirror and tab
> completion. whenever i type the argument for an option, like "-x git"
> it will start tab completing for the local directories when I want it
> to tab complete for remote. it seems this is since i typed the word
> "git" which is not preceded with a -/--
> doing "mirror sourcedir target/ -x hi" actually does work and allows
> me to type the directories with proper tab completion and still add
> the options, but the man section for mirror specifies to do the
> options before source/target directories, Are there any potential
> problems/bugs with putting the options at end?
> It looks like --exclude=hi also works at beginning of command and
> doesnt break the tab completion after it, but that is a lot more
> typing :P
> Thanks,
> Dan
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