Christoph Kottke writes:
 > Am 19.02.2013 00:16, schrieb
 > > Did you ever succeed in running the new test
 > > kit? Or the old one shipped with 0.8.3 fwiw?
 > hi,
 > i can't remeber on old kit passes and the new one has never pass.


maybe you can shed some light on my latest findings:

- isql-fb can connect from a FreeBSD box to a firebird server running
  on Debian

- the libdbi-drivers test_dbi program (cvs revision) connects to the
  server, successfully creates a database, but then immediately hangs

- the *old* test program as of approx. 0.8.3 runs most tests ok when
  run locally on Debian. However, trouble starts when the program
  tries to get rid of the table that was used during the tests

- the "DROP TABLE" command causes an error saying "unsuccessful
  metadata update"

- I took from several web resources that it may be necessary to
  explicitly commit a transaction before dropping a previously used
  table. However, this causes a "Dynamic SQL Error"

- this, in turn, seems to be fixed by enclosing the table name in
  double quotes. However, this now causes a "invalid transaction
  handle (expecting explicit transaction start)" kind of error

- if I try to fix this by issuing a "SET TRANSACTION" command, we're
  back to "Dynamic SQL error", full circle

Can you confirm, from your experience, that firebird is kind of picky
about dropping tables which were previously used? This is kind of
weird, as any serious database should support dropping tables. How do
you deal with this in your own programs?


Markus Hoenicka
AQ score 38

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