Dear Libtech

Today, the Citizen Lab is releasing a new report, entitled: "Are the Kids 
Alright? Digital Risks to Minors from South Korea's Smart Sheriff Application." 
  South Korea is unique among all countries in having a legal mandate that 
requires parents whose minor children have mobile phone subscriptions to 
install a parental content filtering application.  A powerful industry 
consortium, the Korean Mobile Internet Business Association (MOIBA), had just 
such an application in hand ready prior to the law being introduced, called 
"Smart Sheriff." Smart Sheriff provided a lot more than just content filtering: 
it went beyond the legal mandate to allow parents to monitor their minor 
children's use and receive notifications if their minor children did anything 
to try and disable the application.

Earlier this summer, a group of researchers who participated at the 2015 
Citizen Lab Summer Institute, as well as the European security company Cure53, 
got together and collaborated on an independent analysis of the application.  
What we found was alarming: at least 26 different security vulnerabilities, 
including lack of industry-standard encryption, outdated software running on 
servers, and a lack of proper validation or passwords required to register and 
manage accounts.  All of these represent fundamental failures to follow 
standard practices for protecting user information and could seriously put 
minor children at risk.  

We engaged in a process of responsible disclosure to the manufacturers of the 
application, giving them 45 days to patch the vulnerabilities before we 
released our report.  At this point, however, we are not confident that the 
problems have been fixed and we are urging South Koreans to cease using the 
application until an independent audit can be undertaken.

The Associated Press has a breaking alert story about it here:

As the story says "Children's phone numbers, birth dates, web browsing history 
and other personal data were being sent across the Internet unencrypted, making 
them easy to intercept. Authentication weaknesses meant Smart Sheriff could 
easily be hijacked, turned off or tricked into sending bogus alerts to parents. 
Even worse, they found that many weaknesses could be exploited at scale, 
meaning that thousands — or even all — of the app's 380,000 users could be 
compromised at once."

Our press release is here:

The full report can be found here:


Ronald Deibert
Director, the Citizen Lab 
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
(416) 946-8916

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