What about a Torrent ? We can easily share the magnet everywhere (Reddit, Twitter…).

On mer., juil. 9, 2014 at 4:04 , coderman <coder...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:27 PM, grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
 To do any of this you will need to collect all the releases of docs
 and images to date, in their original format (not AP newsspeak),
 in one place. Then dedicate much time to normalizing, convert to
 one format and import into tagged document store, etc. Yes, this
 could be hosted on the darknet.

indeed. i will also be hosting the complete cryptome archive on hidden
site, as it too is part of this corpus to feed into a normalization
and extraction engine of great justice.  i am using the various python
image processing libraries to accomplish this but any language or tool
could be useful.

i had hoped to distribute the cryptome archives further during the
Paris hackfest, alas, unexpected events conspired otherwise.

anyone who would like to host mirrors is welcome to tell me how they
anticipate mirroring ~30G of data as quickly as possible. :)
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