Dear Colleagues

Apologies for cross posting -- the below might be of interest to members of the 
Lib Tech list.


The 2014 Citizen Lab Summer Institute
The 2014 Citizen Lab Summer Institute will be held at the University of Toronto 
on August 5-8, 2014.

This workshop will bring together participants from across a range of academic 
disciplines and practitioner communities. Building on our 2013 Summer 
Institute, we will be convening to learn how censorship, circumvention, and 
surveillance may have changed over the past year and what new developments are 
possible to research information controls.

The Summer Institute will include panels and presentations on information 
controls from a wide variety of disciplines and perspectives and two days of 
intensive participant-led breakout groups and discussions in which participants 
will share latest methods, challenges, and opportunities for collaboration.

As a participant-driven event, we expect attendees to not just present research 
but to work to understand how their work can assist others and vice versa. Each 
participant will be expected to come prepared to discuss their current 
projects, successes and difficulties they have experienced in their research to 
date, lessons and resources from their work that could help others, and 
questions and assistance they need with their projects.

Call for Proposals
Attendance at the Summer Institute is dependent on acceptance of proposals for 
participation. Rather than just proposing a talk, the proposal should clearly 
outline a current project on information controls the participant is 
undertaking that could benefit from exposure to the workshop. Submissions that 
explore multidisciplinary research approaches are especially appreciated.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Analyzing Internet-based censorship from technical, legal, political, 
mitigation, or consequential perspectives; evaluating contemporary online 
surveillance from technical, legal, political, or policy perspective.

Critiquing or evaluating existing privacy enhancing technologies; comparing 
ethics and research strategies associated with Internet-focused censorship and 
surveillance practices, as well as promoting protective measures and positive 
alternatives to them.

Examining the roles of public and private actors in advancing, or restricting, 
Internet censorship and surveillance.

Analyzing the impact of and remedies for Internet-based censorship and 

Interested participants should submit an abstract (no more than 800 words) 
summarizing the research project that they plan to introduce to workshop 
attendees. The abstract must provide the following information:

Description of the project.

Successes and challenges the project has encountered.

What assistance, resources, methods, or skills do you need to advance this 
project and how can workshop participants contribute?

What can you contribute to other workshop participants to help with their work?

What kinds of research (e.g., technical, policy, legal) are you most interested 
in engaging with at the workshop?

Please submit abstracts using this online form by June 30, 2014 at Midnight EDT.

Travel Support
Please indicate if you require expedited acceptance for visa or other travel 

A limited pool of travel support is available and will be allocated based on 
the strength of the proposal, fit with the workshop, and demonstrated need. 
Please indicate if you will require travel funding assistance to attend the 

Ronald Deibert
Director, the Citizen Lab 
and the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
(416) 946-8916

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