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Greetings! Here is the call for participation for the next Communities and 
Technologies conference that I'm helping to organize. I'm happy to report that 
we are focusing on the common good — and we encouraging critiques this time 


C&T 2017 – Technology for the Common Good
26-30 June 2017, Université de Technologie de Troyes, France <>


The biennial Communities and Technologies (C&T) conference is the premier 
international forum for stimulating scholarly debate and disseminating research 
on the complex connections between communities – both physical and virtual – 
and information and communication technologies.

C&T 2017 welcomes participation from researchers, designers, educators, 
industry, and students from the many disciplines and perspectives bearing on 
the interaction between community and technology, including architecture, arts, 
business, design, economics, education, engineering, ergonomics, informatics, 
information technology, geography, health, humanities, law, media and 
communication studies, and social sciences. For the 2017 round of C&T, we 
welcome contributions that particularly pay attention on technology that can be 
deployed for the common good.

The conference program will include competitively selected, peer-reviewed 
papers and case studies, as well as pre-conference workshops, a doctoral 
consortium, and invited keynotes.

We look forward to welcoming you to an exciting conference in Troyes!

Myriam Lewkowicz, Markus Rohde
Conference Chairs


* February 1: Full papers, workshops and case studies due
* March 1: Notification of acceptance for workshops proposals
* April 1: Notification of acceptance for full papers and case studies
* April 20: Camera-ready for full papers, workshop descriptions and case 
studies due
* May 2: Workshop papers and Doctoral Consortium applications due
* June 26-30: Workshops and conference in Troyes, France


C&T focuses on the notion of communities as social entities comprised of people 
who share something in common; this common element may be geography, needs, 
goals, interests, practices, organizations, enemies, or other bases for social 
connection. Communities are considered to be a basic unit of social experience.

For the 2017 round of C&T, we welcome contributions that particularly pay 
attention on technology that can be deployed for the common good. This raises a 
number of questions, issues, and implications that might not be relevant in 
other computing related conferences. The common good generally means finding 
peaceful ways to resolve conflict, securing a more equitable society, a healthy 
and diverse environment for ourselves and future generations, and cultural 

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can support community 
formation and development by facilitating communication and coordination among 
members, as well as enable and empower communities to deal with challenges and 
threats. We must also acknowledge the possibility that ICTs could be used in 
processes that degrade communities or community life; some ICTs could actually 
be antithetical to healthy communities. In this case certain developments 
should at the very least be questioned, if not actively discouraged. For this 
reason we also encourage critiques of existing systems, approaches, policies, 
and trajectories— any of the factors that encourage private gain at the expense 
of the common good.

It’s not enough to assert that some particular technology will support the 
common good. Too often, in fact, the assumption is that a particular 
technological approach — if not the whole of ICT development — is steadfastly 
advancing towards a state of maximal support for the common good. What lines of 
argument can we develop that help support a case that a technological approach 
will support the common good — or wouldn’t? As researchers and academics we 
must entertain the possibility that our investigations may force us to revise 
some of our own approaches and assumptions, including rethinking who are the 
stakeholders of our work, and how our work should be evaluated.

Modeling and designing the world we’d like to see can provide invaluable 
insights. Beyond conducting research and developing tools, services, policy, 
and the like, we aim to build the circumstances that help promote this work and 
the orientation in the world. What systems can help encourage civic 
intelligence and public problem solving? How do we recognize systems that 
discourage them? Are certain approaches to design, deployment, etc. more likely 
to result in systems that support the common good? And, if so, where have these 
been used—and with what degree of success. This focus acknowledges the reality 
that technological systems exist within social environments and frameworks, 
policy proposals, and educational approaches may be extremely relevant.

Finally, how do we as a community identify our goals, gather our information, 
and report our findings as to help the communities upon whom we rely to use the 
information most effectively?

Topics appropriate for submission to this conference are manifold. And they may 
emerge from a variety of relevant perspectives including philosophy, social 
sciences, design, art, the humanities, etc. Examples of some of the vibrant 
areas of communities and technology research include, but are not limited to:

* Domains such as learning/education, health, cultural heritage; crises and 
natural disasters; environmental degradation and climate change;
* Variety of communities and their relationships to technology; urban and 
rural, migrants, refugees, indigenous and first peoples, LGBTQ, low-income 
communities, measuring impacts on communities —positive, negative, and mixed
* Bottom-up movements, grassroots developments, civic activism, community 
engagement, participatory publics, communities and innovation;
* Crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, collective and civic intelligence, community 
learning, early warning systems, collective awareness, collaborative awareness 
platforms; social cognition; community emotion; happiness; historical memory;
* Community owned and operated technology, DIY and maker communities 
(makerspaces, fablabs, crafters); community agriculture;
* Online and offline communities, urban and rural communities; urban 
technologies; urban informatics; urban interaction design; cross-community 
work; new forms of communities;
* Community memory, archives, and knowledge; resilience; smart communities in 
the context of smart cities; sustainable communities; economic and social 
* Civic problem-solving, communities in relation to urgent and complex 
challenges to the health of the planet and the people that inhabit it; 
collaborative systems; partnering with education; government, civil society, 
and movements;
* Sharing economies; social media and social capital; associations, strong and 
weak ties, stakeholders;
* Methodological issues including research, action, participatory approaches, 
community-centred design, infrastructuring and evaluation methodologies; 
ethnographic and case studies of communities;
* Supporting community processes: sensemaking, online deliberation; 
argumentation and discussion-mapping; community ideation and idea management 
systems; collective decision-making; group memory; participatory sensory 
* Technological issues: community toolkits; federated systems; integration with 
other systems, integration with face-to-face systems;
* The future of communities and technology; simulations and utopian design; 
durable relationships and long-range goals; and
* Developing and supporting the Communities & Technologies community; social 
and technological critique; effectiveness and other measures

== Submitting a Paper

Please submit all papers and abstracts using the ACM recommended templates. 
Papers will be submitted via EasyChair.

In order to allow for a diversity of contributions, the conference will accept 
full and short research papers.

* Full papers must be no longer than ten pages, including all additional 
material such as references, appendices, and figures.
* Short (or Work-in-progress) papers must be no longer than four pages.

The papers must include a title, sufficient space for the author name(s) to 
appear on the paper, abstract, keywords, body, and references.

Papers submitted by the due date will undergo a double blind peer review 
process by the Program Committee and will be evaluated on the basis of their 
significance, innovation, academic rigour, and clarity of writing.

Since 2009, the C&T proceedings are published by ACM. The application is under 
process for 2017.

Please send any questions to the Program Chairs: 

Ingrid Mulder, Douglas Schuler
Program Chairs


This year, C&T introduces a new category of submissions: Case Studies.

With this category, we encourage C&T researchers or practitioners to present a 
case study or an experience report of real-world cases projects that provide 
new insights and learnings to other C&T researchers and practitioners. In 
general, both kinds of research are welcome – more analytical (such as 
ethnographical case studies and historical analysis of case) as well as more 
action-oriented (such as design case studies, action research reports). In 
addition, methodological reflections about case study research are appreciated.

== What counts as a good case study research

Case studies should be inspiring, but should not be constrained by traditional 
academic expectations. The primary criteria is relevance in making a 
significant contribution to the community.

Successful case studies will meet the following criteria: they report on new 
work that derives in original insights, they have the potential for real impact 
on the C&T body of knowledge and practice, they report on very specific or 
singular communities or experiences.

They shed light into emerging and/or marginalized topics and address existing 
gaps in the broader C&T methods and understanding. Suggested topics of interest 
include, but are not restricted to:

* Technology design and use in the developing world and non-Western societies
* Research of a specific domain, user group, organisation or experience, 
discussing its rationale, any issues, and lessons learned
* Pilot studies preceding and informing larger-scale investigations
* Application, critique, or evolution of a method, process, theory, or tool
* Challenges to existing notions of Research, Design, Theory, and Practice
* Revisiting definitions of C&T practice
* The role of technology in civic activism, community engagement, participatory 
* The role of technology in the context of the refugee and migrant crisis
* The role of technology in consumer empowerment (supply chain transparency, 
open data, etc.)
* Sharing and commoning practices (communities and the sharing economy and/or 
commons-based production)

Other more specific areas of interest:

* Uses and misuses of technology by communities
* New maker practices
* Technology in humanitarian crisis contexts
* Decentralisation and blockchain
* Gender and technology
* HCI teaching and learning in education, training, or knowledge sharing.
* ‘Big Ideas’ and how to make them happen

== Preparing and submitting your case study

Case studies will be submitted via EasyChair.

The Case Study submissions must be reported using the ACM recommended 
templates, should not exceed 5 pages, and can include supplementary material in 
the form of pictures, videos, documents, websites, etc. If supplementary 
materials are submitted, we request authors to include a list of the 
supplementary documents in their submission and a description of the nature and 
purpose of each item.

Submissions will undergo a peer review process by the Program Committee 
members. Accepted case study reports will be published in the Proceedings, 
together with long and short papers.

Since 2009, the C&T proceedings are published by ACM. The application is under 
process for 2017.

Please send any questions to the Case Studies Chairs: <>

Mara Balestrini, Gunnar Stevens
Case Studies Chairs


C&T Workshops will run for a half or one full day and will take place on June 
26th or June 27th.

Workshops provide a platform to discuss, explore and advance specific research 
areas of Communities & Technologies with a group of like-minded researchers and 
practitioners. Each workshop should generate ideas that give the C&T community 
a new, innovative way of thinking about the topic, or ideas that suggest 
promising directions for future research. Topics addressed may include (but are 
not limited to) theories, methodologies, artifacts in practices, emerging 
application areas, design innovations, strategy and organizational issues 
pertaining to communities and technology.

While workshop summaries will be integrated into the conference proceedings 
published by ACM (pending), organizers can consider converting individual 
workshop papers into edited books or special issues of journals. Furthermore, 
there is the option of publishing the workshop submissions (all contributions) 
as an International Report on Socio-Informatics (IRSI): 
<>. You 
may consider including such publication goals in your workshop proposal.

A workshop proposal must be prepared according to ACM recommended templates and 
should be no more than 4 pages including references. Furthermore each proposal 

* include the title of the workshop,
* list organizers and their backgrounds,
* provide workshop’s theme, goals and activities,
* indicate maximum number of participants,
* provide means of soliciting and selecting participants.

Please send proposals directly to the Workshop Chairs: <>

Sukeshini A. Grandhi, Lars Rune Christensen
Workshop Chairs

Douglas Schuler <>
Twitter: @doug_schuler

Public Sphere Project <>
Collective Intelligence for the Common Good Mailing list 

Creating the World Citizen Parliament 
Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (Project 
<> / Book 

Three patterns:
     Social Dominance Attenuation 
     Health as a Universal Right 
     Global Citizenship 

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