Re: [liberationtech] Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread jim bell
 On Sunday, October 14, 2018, 12:46:49 PM PDT, Karl  wrote:

"My name is Karl Semich and I have a desire to make available to
everyone highly secure shielded rooms / SCIFs, for privacy and
security in this modern age."

"I then plan to try to measure a variety of setups ranging from
homemade aluminum foil & iron paint to soldered copper and welded or
bolted stainless steel, to identify ways for everyday people to
cheaply create shielded environments that are actually effective.  I
would like to find a way people can use off-the-shelf supplies to make
environments that are isolated from DC to light, if desired."

Sounds like a fascinating project.  You should take a while do define your 
goal.  Do you want the room to be magnetically (static; DC?) shielded as well?  
If so, look for iron sheet or foil to back your aluminum-foil walls, floor, and 
ceiling.  However, iron foil is very expensive, compared with household-grade 
aluminum foil.
Sheet metal, even if it is thicker than foil, would probably be cheaper than 
this.  You may also want to install a layer to absorb the radio waves emitted 
inside the room.  There are commercial materials to do that, some form of iron 
compounds, known as "ferrites".  Google 'ferrite powder' for some examples.  
There is also 'ferrite paint'.
Take a look at the episodes of Better Call Saul, for an attorney who thinks 
that he is somehow allergic to electricity.  He lit his room with gasoline 
lanterns.  Lighting a radio-sealed room could be done with thick fiber optics 
(think rods, maybe 0.1" thick, driven by white LEDs through the walls.  Or, 
drive the white LEDS using batteries, inside the room itself.  (If you are 
willing to accept the small static magnetic field of the DC current flowing; 
driving the LEDs using coaxial cables should greatly reduce even that effect.)
              Jim Bell

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Re: [liberationtech] Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread Karl
Thanks so much for your replies.

On 10/14/2018 09:07 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Consider utilizing a github / wiki somewhere for this project,
> People can join together to generate the motivations and goals,
> outline areas of research, hacking and acquisitions needed,
> develop workplans, reproducible test setups, progress, results,
> costs, etc. Perhaps also some form of makerspace later on.

Okay.  I made these:

- gitlab wiki:
- chat: on matrix and #openemissions on freenode
- loomio decision-making group:

I struggle with organization and would really appreciate any work to
make things more organized.

If anybody is interested in collaborating actively on this right now,
chat is most convenient for me at the moment.

On 10/14/18, CANNON  wrote:
> Any power going into such a room should use a UPS battery to prevent data
> leakage through power lines/usage.
> (Would power lines become an antennae for electro-magnetic frequency
> leakage?) Would a UPS be sufficient enough for
> security?

Your use of 'UPS' seems a little ambiguous here.  I have been thinking
of keeping a 12V battery inside the room, and using only DC power.  AC
power seems like just another source of emissions to track, to me.

My understanding is that filters are placed on lines to prevent any
but acceptable frequencies being carried on them.  The field of
electromagnetic compatibility covers this a lot, I think.  Power lines
completely behave as antennae, and couple nearby signals from one end,
to the other, by receiving them and then re-radiating them.

Filtered AC power could be plugged straight into the mains, but I
don't at this time have the experience to trust the filters, and it
complicates construction of the room to make an additional penetration
for the wiring.

> And if network connectivity is needed, to prevent network cables from being
> a carrier of EMF leakage, perhaps fiber optic line?

As above, I think sneakernet is the way to go for highest security.

With regard to fiberoptic transmissions, it seems to me the gold
standard would be open-source transcievers that are shielded to
decrease the utility of compromising them, and a way to sniff the
fiber-optic line to verify it does not carry unexpected data.

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Re: [liberationtech] Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-14 Thread CANNON
On 10/14/2018 09:07 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Consider utilizing a github / wiki somewhere for this project,
> People can join together to generate the motivations and goals,
> outline areas of research, hacking and acquisitions needed,
> develop workplans, reproducible test setups, progress, results,
> costs, etc. Perhaps also some form of makerspace later on.
> Sounds fun :)
> See also...

Yes, collective collaboration is good for the success of any project.
My inputs, 

Any power going into such a room should use a UPS battery to prevent data 
leakage through power lines/usage.
(Would power lines become an antennae for electro-magnetic frequency leakage?) 
Would a UPS be sufficient enough for

And if network connectivity is needed, to prevent network cables from being a 
carrier of EMF leakage, perhaps fiber optic line?
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Re: [liberationtech] Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-14 Thread grarpamp
Consider utilizing a github / wiki somewhere for this project,
People can join together to generate the motivations and goals,
outline areas of research, hacking and acquisitions needed,
develop workplans, reproducible test setups, progress, results,
costs, etc. Perhaps also some form of makerspace later on.

Sounds fun :)

See also...
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