At 05:03 PM 4/8/2009, you wrote:

>The Western gun nut types just keep getting worse...
>--- In 
>Ben Irvin wrote:
> >
> > The Western libertarian position on the issue
> > is best summed up by Basil
> > Fishbone on a list where my piece was cross-posted:
> >
> > > A person who rents a hotel room or an appartment
> > acquires property rights over his rented abode.
> > > He does not give up fundamental rights within his lawful
> > > living quarters.
> >
> > Perhaps it is as the old saying goes: East is East
> > and West is West and never the twain shall meet.
> >
>Sorry, Basil baby... just as in Matrimony, it is Morally Wrong for a 
>Government to impose set structure on a Contract. A Contract is 
>exactly what the Parties agree to and nothing more. To agree to rent 
>an apartment and not have guns there, and then to have guns there, is FRAUD.
>I have seen this problem with lots of other Western "libertarians". 
>For some reason, Conservative Shitheads in the West feel that being 
>Anti-Liberal, and Pro-Gun, entitles them to call themselves 
>libertarian without having to respect Private Property and other 
>Personal Liberties. You fail, guys. Being Western does not excuse 
>Initiation Of Force or Fraud against a Property Owner.

Using "morally wrong" and government in the same sentence is 
redundant.  A libertarian is someone
who follows the ZAP.   Much beyond that is shadow play.  But beyond 
ones word(and all that goes with it), what else does one have that 
can't be taken by others no matter how powerful? 

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