On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 02:58:27PM -0500, Nick Mathewson wrote:
> Hi, all!
> I've noticed that we're getting a lot more bug reports and patches
> than can easily be handled by the "mailbox method" of organization.
> Clearly, we need to do a better job.  Fortunately, we have a
> sourceforge.net project page for Libevent:
>     http://sourceforge.net/projects/levent
> This page has trackers for bugs, patches, and feature requests.  Let's
> use it!

Update: I have added 2 patches, 10 feature requests, and 12 bug
reports to the tracker.  I re-read or skimmed about 500 emails to do
this, so it is likely I missed something, or added a bug that has
already been fixed.  My apologies in advance.

I. What to do with the stuff on the tracker list

If you have a fix for a bug or an implementation for a feature, add a
new patch for it.  Maybe discuss your approach a little first, if it's

Niels -- I haven't done any triage on the lists yet.  Some of the
things listed should get fixed in 1.3; some are probably 1.4
showstoppers; and some can probably wait till 1.5 or later.

II. Adding new stuff to the list.

Every bug or feature request or patch that I know about is on the
tracker now.  If you have a bug or feature request or patch that
*isn't* there, then please do the following:

   - Double-check that I didn't add it to one of the lists.
   - Confirm that the bug still exists.
   - Verify that the bug is really a bug
     - Come up with some test code to elicit the buggy behavior, if
       you possibly can.  (If you are sure that the code is wrong, but
       you can't actually write code to provoke the bad behavior that
       you're sure is happening, then maybe you haven't really
       understood the code.  Ask on the list maybe?)
   - Submit it to the tracker.

[If this sounds like too much work, just bounce me an email saying
"hey, you missed this one!"]

II. How to find out about new tracker entries

There's a mailing list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]; you can
subscribe here:


III. Other stuff you should know, and which should probably go on the

The commits list is here:

The SVN repository is here:
Things that you might want to check out of it are:

Now, it's really time for me to sleep.

peace, all.
Nick Mathewson

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