Dear Community!

I would like to give you the link to my final report of my project.:

During the summer, GSoC was a really good opportunity to work on real-life
problems, which helped me learn a lot about programming itself, and to
learn how to deal with stress, and frustration. This is why I am grateful
for the community to let me participate in this project. I hope that my
work during the summer has helped to improve LibreOffice, and I definitely
plan to continue my contribution towards LibreOffice. I am very thankful
for my mentors, Németh László and Michael Stahl, for helping me during the
summer. They helped me not only with the technical problems, but with the
mental challenge the project gave to me.
The LibreOffice community is a great community, and I am happy that I got
to be a part of it. It was a nice experience that whenever I hopped on the
IRC dev chat, I always got someone to help with my problem.
All in all, I am really happy to be able to get participate in this project!

Balázs Sántha, santhab

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