Hello everyone.

As mentioned in my previous report, the next step was to implement UNO
interface for Data Providers .
Reason for not sending report last week was I started learning about UNO
and there was no specific achievement . I informed about this to Markus

So last 2 weeks were full of learning about UNO implementation and
extending it to use in Data Providers. I learnt about Services , how
Interfaces can be used to provide abstraction , type of methods to be
implemented in Extension ,etc.
GetRangeAsString() method is used to input the range in form of string .
For example - A3:C5 .
GetCellData() returns pair containing value and data type for each cell .

Please look at the patch https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/119588
(WIP) to check the implementation.
Thanks to Markus for helping me getting introduced with UNO.

Tushar Kumar Rai
LibreOffice mailing list

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