pierre foucou license statement

2024-03-04 Thread Pierre-Yves Foucou
All of my past and future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Additionally, to the extent possible under law, I waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to my past & future Artwork and Design contributions to the LibreOffice

Re: Building Doxygen documentation

2023-08-18 Thread Pierre-Yves Foucou
ment, __ Schweizerisches Bundesgericht Service Informatique - AB Pierre-Yves Foucou f...@bger.ch+41 (21) 318 95 44

build on RH9 + wiki

2022-12-27 Thread Pierre-Yves Foucou
hi, Trying to build the latest master on RH9, I followed the instructions from : https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnLinux#Fedora.2FRedHat As it kept failing, we had to install (thru dnf) the additional packages : fontconfig-devel perl-CPAN gperf libxslt-devel