Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))

2021-03-21 Thread antlists

On 21/03/2021 10:46, Katarina Behrens wrote:

C'mon folks, this is not a controversial or complicated issue in any way

If it isn't controversial, why is it causing so much controversy?

Technical effort to make the change is minimal. Social or indeed human impact
of the change is net positive. That few folks who happen to have the largest
bullhorn believe otherwise doesn't change the fact

'Where is my freedom to use whatever terminology I please regardless of how it
affects others' is a bad take

I *personally* have *suffered* from exactly this attitude! When Groklaw 
was live, I was unable to take part in any discussion that involved 
race, because the word "Black" was unacceptable to PJ, and the 
alternative would be offensive to the black people I know because (a) 
they are not American, and (b) they do not classify themselves as black 
- they are Nigerian, or Caribbean, or whatever.

If you take it upon yourself to remove words from my vocabulary, you are 
gagging me, especially if you dictate there is no reasonable alternative.

Oh - and by damaging the ability to discuss what is wrong, you make it 
harder to put it right!

'Let's wait for some random gits to come to their senses and only then follow
the suit' is a bad take

Just go ahead and rename, for f sake

Just for the record - I was in full agreement with the Groklaw rule of 
"PJ's website, PJ's rules".

And with regard to this renaming, I have no strong feelings either way.

But I *do* have a *massive* problem with people bulldozing their 
opinions over other peoples' serious concerns - and yes I *am* concerned 
where all this "form over substance" political correctness is headed ...

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-21 Thread antlists

On 18/03/2021 17:35, Michael Meeks wrote:

I do agree it is possible to carry this far too far. However its easy
to see how things like the unthinking use of eg. 'blacklist' can be seen
as bad - that seems like a slam-dunk to me.

The problem is when it's assumed you're being racist when the words have 
nothing whatsoever to do with race - blacklist is a case in point.

Or - as you may be aware of - the argument we've had about pubs called 
"The Black Boy". There's an Oxfordshire pub where the sign is a Cavalier 
with long black locks - or a Kent pub where the sign is a grimy miner. 
No race connection whatsoever, and in the Oxford case I think it 
pre-dates the slave trade.

The worse example I came across recently was somebody objecting to the 
word "negro" "because its only possible use is racist" ... hang on a sec 
- it's pretty much exactly the normal spanish word for "black"! From the 
Latin word "negro" or whatever it is ...

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))

2021-03-21 Thread Luboš Luňák
On Sunday 21 of March 2021, Katarina Behrens wrote:
> 'Let's wait for some random gits to come to their senses and only then
> follow the suit' is a bad take

 A bad take is being the person to insult others while arguing for not 
offending people in a discussion about not offending people.

 Luboš Luňák
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))

2021-03-21 Thread Katarina Behrens
C'mon folks, this is not a controversial or complicated issue in any way

Technical effort to make the change is minimal. Social or indeed human impact 
of the change is net positive. That few folks who happen to have the largest 
bullhorn believe otherwise doesn't change the fact

'Where is my freedom to use whatever terminology I please regardless of how it 
affects others' is a bad take

'Let's wait for some random gits to come to their senses and only then follow 
the suit' is a bad take

Just go ahead and rename, for f sake

>  in order to make the discussion somewhat more constructive, I have an
> alternative proposal on how to resolve the problem.
> Some pre-requisities:
> - There are currently no technical gains to be made from the change. There
> are some costs to doing the change, but they are not blocking.
> - We appear to be poorly equiped to evaluate the problem properly. Most of
> us are not even native English speakers, and most of us aren't directly
> affected by the problem (or presumably even know somebody who is). I can
> count only one direct input from somebody directly affected, while the rest
> of us have at best second-hand information (unless I'm missing something).
> - The problem appears to be complicated and, as of now, without general
> consensus. The proposal to rename our master mentions [1] that actually only
> discusses 'master/slave' and not 'master' alone, and [2] that says GitHub
> makes the default configurable and changes it to 'main'. The GitHub page
> further links a 9-months-old statement from the git project that said they
> had made the default configurable and were discussing further changes. As
> of now, the git project still uses master as the default and also for their
> own use. There are some projects that have meanwhile switched, and some
> that have not.
> - It appears that no matter what we do, we cannot avoid somebody getting
> offended. If we don't do the change, we risk offending people, if we do the
> change, we also risk offending people (see e.g. [3]).
> - [3] also casts doubt on whether the change actually really achieves
> anything or how big the demand for the change actually is, especially from
> people that it actually concerns.
> - We are not in any special position here, we are just one of the many
> projects using git. Therefore there does not appear to be any need to act on
> our own. Presumably the issue gets discussed also elsewhere, and discussing
> it here adds little to no value to it.
> - The git project is the source of the git tool, and appears to be a
> suitable place to discuss and set the trend here.
> Therefore, I propose that the decision to rename the master branch is
> postponed for as long as the git project does not take a definitive stance
> on it. That stance may take the form of e.g. the git project making a
> statement on it or changing their default and using it. Our decision can be
> then based on this input and may e.g. take the form of simply taking the
> technical decision to do what git does.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))

2021-03-19 Thread Kohei Yoshida
On Thu, 2021-03-18 at 21:04 +0100, Luboš Luňák wrote:
> Therefore, I propose that the decision to rename the master branch
> is postponed for as long as the git project does not take a
> definitive stance on it. That stance may take the form of e.g. the
> git project making a statement on it or changing their default and
> using it. Our decision can be then based on this input and may e.g.
> take the form of simply taking the technical decision to do what git
> does.


I support this approach too.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))

2021-03-18 Thread Michael Weghorn

On 18/03/2021 21.04, Luboš Luňák wrote:

- We are not in any special position here, we are just one of the many
projects using git. Therefore there does not appear to be any need to act on
our own. Presumably the issue gets discussed also elsewhere, and discussing
it here adds little to no value to it.

- The git project is the source of the git tool, and appears to be a suitable
place to discuss and set the trend here.

Therefore, I propose that the decision to rename the master branch is
postponed for as long as the git project does not take a definitive stance on
it. That stance may take the form of e.g. the git project making a statement
on it or changing their default and using it. Our decision can be then based
on this input and may e.g. take the form of simply taking the technical
decision to do what git does.


I don't have any hard feelings either way, but following upstream git 
sounds like a reasonable plan to me, in particular given this matter 
turned out to be so controversial.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread Antje Kazimiers

Am 18.03.21 um 15:55 schrieb Tor Lillqvist:

For what it's worth (i.e., not much), I am completely in favour of the renaming.


Me, too.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread Lubos Lunak

- There does not appear to be a consensus on the usage of the default brach 
name, at least as of now.
- I find the claim that all use of the word master is bad to be poorly argued.
- This mostly appears to be an ongoing internal problem of one country. As a 
technical project we should not be taking sides in such politics, especially 
given that the problem does not appear to be resolved or even having a 

On Thursday 18 of March 2021, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Lubos Lunak wrote:
> > I disagree with the plan. Git uses master, so we should stick with
> > that.
> Hmm. But someone else using outdated names shouldn't per se be a reason
> for us? Also it appears things are moving there, too.

- The name is not, at least as of now, outdated. As I've already said, the 
current name is 'master' and I don't see why GitHub or even LLVM should be 
authorities on that.
- Not changing a default in 9 months is not appearing to be moving. I guess 
that could have been already done if things were simple? I find it a valid 
technical reason not to do so if they themselves do not do it.
- If somebody else (not) doing something shouldn't be a reason for us, then 
why is it listed as a reason for us to do the change?
- There appear to be many other projects that are, at least as of now, not 
moving. It doesn't look to me that there's a consensus on this.

> > And that brings me to the non-technical part of this, because I
> > really don't see the reason for this.
> The reason is, that language evolves, and bad habits (or metaphors) of
> the past shouldn't be persisted, if we know they are offensive to
> others. lists ~20 meanings for the 
word, and there's only one of them marked outdated, and 5b, which is the one 
git uses, is not marked as bad, archaic, offensive, or anything like that. 
Similarly, I can find e.g. pages about getting Master's Degree in 2021 and 
various other uses of the other meanings for the word, which from here looks 
like it's fine to use them. On the other hand, the meaning related to slavery 
seems like a meaning that's obsolete. Now I'm not a native speaker and I 
don't live in an English-speaking country, so I may be getting something 
wrong, but then neither do you, so how come you should know this better?

 (FWIW, I find it offensive to get lectured on English by a German. Just 
saying. I consider getting occassionally, and often probably unintentionally, 
getting offended to be simply life.)

> Generally, our approach in the community should be - if it doesn't
> harm us [1], we should be considerate & welcoming.

 Then maybe we should consider the possibility that forcing one interpretation 
and not welcoming any other is not very considerate or welcoming.

> The feedback towards using master/slave (and other
> established-but-fraught-terms) was that it indeed is taken as offensive for
> some people.

 This is not about master/slave. This is about master (copy of a) branch, 
which has nothing to do with slavery, and you have provided very poor 
reasoning for changing anything there, and there's no apparent consensus on 
any of your claims. If I'm reading the ESC proposal correctly, this is 
basically a proposal from Germans living in Germany to take a side in 
cultural/political/language problem of another country. Which just doesn't 
make sense. If they sort it out, fine (I guess that may take a while, given 
that from afar it looks that the US currently can't agree on anything right 
now). But I don't see a good reason why we should take a part in that now.

 Lubos Lunak
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread julien2412
Michael Meeks-5 wrote
> ...
>   Hopefully you would be able to come ?

No need to come since it's easier for me to write (no schedule constraints
for example) and the migration will be done anyway, no need to worry.
Moreover, even if there was a vote I suppose there'll be a large majority
who'll agree with it.
Remark: I wouldn't be able to vote anyway since I'm not a TDF member and
still would't like to because of these kinds of decisions.

My goal was just to thank a lot Luboš and to provide arguments against the
migration. Nevertheless, I already knew the battle, battle against this
censorship (I weigh my words) was lost.



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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread julien2412
Thorsten Behrens-6 wrote
> ...
> Well. I'm not sure it matters much what you or me read into that word.
> So is there any harm in making that change? Others are doing the work,
> why would we refuse a change that some feel strongly about?
> We're happily accepting changes that re-format code, translate,
> spell-check it etc - one could argue those are cosmetic too, and not
> worth it.
> I'm therefore much in favour of remaining to be welcoming to change,
> and positively accept patches from everyone (unless there's hard
> technical reasons to decline).

Reformating code allows to have homogeneous code and allows to read it more
Spellcheck is just about trying to respect languages, if not we could also
begin to write like in SMS and it may quickly difficult for non native
English speaker to understand it. (I know that sometimes we must decide
between US and English spell and it's not that important if everybody
understands the meaning of the word).

I'm strongly against this change because it's not just cosmetic, it's
imposing a point of view (Yes I'm doing the same but it's a debate so of
course there are at least 2 points of view), it's kind of new puritanism for
me. Until some months ago, nobody found it wrong to call a "branch master",
now we must remove it just for some people who may consider this offending.
Are there really some stats about this? Would these people feel really bad
about seeing "master" branch? Do I really offend some people when in
bugtrackers I put:
"On pc Debian x86-64 with master sources updated today, " ?

Technical reason to decline: a non 0 technical risk for a real 0 technical

Again, do you want to rename "Abort", "Command"?
Cars (even eletric ones) generate pollution, would you be agree to remove
any reference to the word "cars" in LO? (I didn't check if there was, it's
just for the example).
Are they bad habits and so you would consider a good evolution to replace
them too?


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LibreOffice mailing list

Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))

2021-03-18 Thread Luboš Luňák


 in order to make the discussion somewhat more constructive, I have an 
alternative proposal on how to resolve the problem.

Some pre-requisities:

- There are currently no technical gains to be made from the change. There are 
some costs to doing the change, but they are not blocking.

- We appear to be poorly equiped to evaluate the problem properly. Most of us 
are not even native English speakers, and most of us aren't directly affected 
by the problem (or presumably even know somebody who is). I can count only 
one direct input from somebody directly affected, while the rest of us have 
at best second-hand information (unless I'm missing something).

- The problem appears to be complicated and, as of now, without general 
consensus. The proposal to rename our master mentions [1] that actually only 
discusses 'master/slave' and not 'master' alone, and [2] that says GitHub 
makes the default configurable and changes it to 'main'. The GitHub page 
further links a 9-months-old statement from the git project that said they 
had made the default configurable and were discussing further changes. As of 
now, the git project still uses master as the default and also for their own 
use. There are some projects that have meanwhile switched, and some that have 

- It appears that no matter what we do, we cannot avoid somebody getting 
offended. If we don't do the change, we risk offending people, if we do the 
change, we also risk offending people (see e.g. [3]).

- [3] also casts doubt on whether the change actually really achieves anything 
or how big the demand for the change actually is, especially from people that 
it actually concerns.

- We are not in any special position here, we are just one of the many 
projects using git. Therefore there does not appear to be any need to act on 
our own. Presumably the issue gets discussed also elsewhere, and discussing 
it here adds little to no value to it.

- The git project is the source of the git tool, and appears to be a suitable 
place to discuss and set the trend here.

Therefore, I propose that the decision to rename the master branch is 
postponed for as long as the git project does not take a definitive stance on 
it. That stance may take the form of e.g. the git project making a statement 
on it or changing their default and using it. Our decision can be then based 
on this input and may e.g. take the form of simply taking the technical 
decision to do what git does.


 Luboš Luňák
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread julien2412
Thorsten Behrens-6 wrote
> ...
> The reason is, that language evolves, and bad habits (or metaphors) of
> the past shouldn't be persisted, if we know they are offensive to
> others.

Slavery itself shouldn't persist (badfully in some regions it still exists)
but let's not confound the slavery itself with some words used in different

About "master", the expressions "MC"/"Master of Ceremony" in music,
"Master's_degree", "masterplan", "to master something",  are bad habits
too and should be renamed/rephrased?
Should we also remove (burn?) lots of books and republish them after having
processed global autocorrection? (I would even replace "autocorrection" by
"censorship" here)

If you'd ask every people on earch what they may consider offensive, you
could remove lots of words.

Do you also consider we should rename "abort" (because people against
abortion could consider this term offensive) or "command" (because may be
related to slavery too) (as already quoted in my previous comment)?


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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread khagaroth
Get woke go broke...

No need to push some misguided agenda, and even less need to appeal to some
collective guilt, after all slavery wasn't an universal practice.

The only way to handle SJWs is to ignore them, after all if you give them
an inch they'll take a mile. Be glad the situation is still somewhat
bearable in the programming community, you really wouldn't want for it to
get as bad as it is in the entertainment industry, the less you let
them creep in, the better.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread Michael Meeks

On 18/03/2021 14:19, julien2412 wrote:
> About "master"

So - there are huge tracts that can be written about this from many
perspectives; Dominus Illuminatio Mea =)

The "thin end of the wedge" argument is an interesting one, clearly
there is lots of scope for confrontation, division and aggression around
this sort of thing and hurt feelings. But I think it is worth looking at
this on its own merits.

For my part I support the change - assuming some of the more telling
objections Lubos pointed out - eg. around the default branch that is
checked out when you 'git clone' can be solved elegantly.

I thought:

Had a mercifully bounded set of words to replace that doesn't look like
it will grow indefinitely.

> the expressions "MC"/"Master of Ceremony" in music,

I do agree it is possible to carry this far too far. However its easy
to see how things like the unthinking use of eg. 'blacklist' can be seen
as bad - that seems like a slam-dunk to me.

Having said all that - I think it's really important that people can
have their say, and that people's differing views are respected - and
fears of a possible terminological tyranny are laid to rest =) Also,
that we treat each other gently.

Probably we should discuss it at the next ESC - and encourage those who
care about the topic to discuss it there rather than in some straggling
list thread (which tends to polarize).

Hopefully you would be able to come ?



-- <><, GM Collabora Productivity
Hangout:, Skype: mmeeks
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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread julien2412
Lubos Lunak-2 wrote
> On Wednesday 17 of March 2021, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
>> Hi *,
>> as requested and announced in previous ESC-minutes and infra-call
>> minutes, master branch will be renamed for the LibreOffice core
>> repositories and the submodules used by LibreOffice (dictionaries,
>> help, translations).
> (...)
>  I disagree with the plan.

I had told nothing until now thinking I would be the only person to have
this opinion.

(Easy Hack 42782 "remove a dog ! ")

"replace usage of blacklist with denylist" 
"replace usage of whitelist with allowlist"

Now we must rename "master".
Of course, it's not all 0 risk operation and the technical benefit is 0 +
time consuming. (not as if we had lots of human resources on LO and had very
few bugtrackers to tackle).

Should we expect to replace other things like that? (eg "command" word which
could be misinterpreted too)

Even if it won't change anything and this migration will be done anyway
because marketing and novlang dominate nowadays, THANK YOU A LOT for your
message Luboš!!!


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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Hey Julien,

julien2412 wrote:
> Thorsten Behrens-6 wrote
> > ...
> > The reason is, that language evolves, and bad habits (or metaphors) of
> > the past shouldn't be persisted, if we know they are offensive to
> > others.
> Slavery itself shouldn't persist (badfully in some regions it still exists)
> but let's not confound the slavery itself with some words used in different
> contexts.
Well. I'm not sure it matters much what you or me read into that word.

So is there any harm in making that change? Others are doing the work,
why would we refuse a change that some feel strongly about?

We're happily accepting changes that re-format code, translate,
spell-check it etc - one could argue those are cosmetic too, and not
worth it.

I'm therefore much in favour of remaining to be welcoming to change,
and positively accept patches from everyone (unless there's hard
technical reasons to decline).

All the best,

-- Thorsten

Description: PGP signature
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread Tor Lillqvist
For what it's worth (i.e., not much), I am completely in favour of the renaming.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Hi Lubos,

just a quick answer - I think topics like this are best discussed in a
call though.

Lubos Lunak wrote:
> I disagree with the plan. Git uses master, so we should stick with
> that.
Hmm. But someone else using outdated names shouldn't per se be a reason
for us? Also it appears things are moving there, too.

> And that brings me to the non-technical part of this, because I
> really don't see the reason for this.
The reason is, that language evolves, and bad habits (or metaphors) of
the past shouldn't be persisted, if we know they are offensive to

Generally, our approach in the community should be - if it doesn't
harm us [1], we should be considerate & welcoming. The feedback
towards using master/slave (and other established-but-fraught-terms)
was that it indeed is taken as offensive for some people.

> Finally, even if we assume that it would be a good idea to avoid
> the use of the word 'master' altogether because one of the 20
> meanings a dictionary gives is bad, what's the plan for all the
> other 20059 ('git grep -i master | wc -l') other uses in
> LibreOffice?
You're right, there's more work to do. But that shouldn't stop this
one bit from going forward.

For parts of what you refer to, see:

[1] please do point us to hard technical blockers though, if you're
aware of any


-- Thorsten

Description: PGP signature
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread Mike Kaganski

On 17.03.2021 22:45, Lubos Lunak wrote:

  I disagree with the plan.


Best regards,
Mike Kaganski
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread rene
Am 17. März 2021 20:45:23 MEZ schrieb Lubos Lunak :
>On Wednesday 17 of March 2021, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
>> as requested and announced in previous ESC-minutes and infra-call
>> minutes, master branch will be renamed for the LibreOffice core
>> repositories and the submodules used by LibreOffice (dictionaries,
>> help, translations).
>I disagree with the plan


I always said so, too.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-18 Thread Lubos Lunak
On Wednesday 17 of March 2021, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
> Hi *,
> as requested and announced in previous ESC-minutes and infra-call
> minutes, master branch will be renamed for the LibreOffice core
> repositories and the submodules used by LibreOffice (dictionaries,
> help, translations).
> Current plan is to do the switchover on April 1st
> If you have objections to this date or the plan laid out below (for
> current changes please see also
> please raise your
> concerns ASAP)

 I disagree with the plan. Git uses master, so we should stick with that. And 
by 'git uses master' I mean that if you check out the git repo of the git 
tool, you'll get the master branch, there's no main branch, and if you build 
it and run 'git init', it'll create a master branch. The option for the 
default branch name was added 9 months ago, so they have had plenty of time 
for switching, and if they haven't, then maybe we shouldn't either. We 
already have this running joke of breaking every tooling, and I don't see a 
reason why risk it here.

 And that brings me to the non-technical part of this, because I really don't 
see the reason for this. Is it written down somewhere? I find the ESC minutes 
unclear on the motivation. The Redmine motivation link is to some RFC-like 
document that talks about "master-slave", but it does not mention "master" on 
its own a single time. Even the recommendations there refer 
to 'term "master-slave"' and not just "master". The other Redmine ticket 
links to GitHub, but why should we care what some other repository provider 
does? (I mean, I understand GitHub is based in a country where they currently 
have all kinds of problems with this, but do we need to take a part in 
that?). And presumably the intention is not being compatible with new 
repositories on GitHub, that wouldn't make much sense.

 Finally, even if we assume that it would be a good idea to avoid the use of 
the word 'master' altogether because one of the 20 meanings a dictionary 
gives is bad, what's the plan for all the other 20059 ('git grep -i master | 
wc -l') other uses in LibreOffice? We have master passwords, master slides, 
master styles and so on, and mind you, that goes as far as changing the ODF 
format, is the plan to change all those too? And if not, is there any plan 
for when somebody points that out as hypocrisy? And before any of this is 
done, shouldn't first be something done about those 487 occurences of the 
actually problematic word, which would be way simpler and actually do 
something related to the topic?

 The way I see it, if this is supposed to fix something, then it actually 
doesn't, and it can create technical problems. If it's supposed to do 
something else, it's not up to us to solve somebody else's problem, and it 
can backfire.

 PS: I can't miss the irony of renaming 'master' in 'git', when it's the 
latter word that's an actual insult.

 Lubos Lunak
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-17 Thread Joao S. O. Bueno
Nt L.O. related, but I think it is worth mentioning on this topic:
the Python language is doing this same month over the coming weeks
(i.e. renaming the default git branch to 'main') - the announcement was
made by the steering council last week.

On Wed, 17 Mar 2021 at 07:46, Christian Lohmaier <> wrote:

> Hi *,
> as requested and announced in previous ESC-minutes and infra-call
> minutes, master branch will be renamed for the LibreOffice core
> repositories and the submodules used by LibreOffice (dictionaries,
> help, translations).
> Current plan is to do the switchover on April 1st
> If you have objections to this date or the plan laid out below (for
> current changes please see also
> please raise your
> concerns ASAP)
> What will be done?
> * git branch rename from master → main for LibreOffice-repos only
> (core, dictionaries, help, translations)
> more specifically creation of a new main branch main from master and
> setting the default branch for those repositories to the new name)
> ** pushes (submitting to actual branch) to the master branch will be
> prohibited by the ACL (permissions)
> ** final commit on master branch will be a change to .gitreview to use
> the new name as default and to logerrit using main as target branch if
> the current local branch is master
> ** it will be a hard cut, main will continue where master stopped,
> master won't receive any more commits
> ** open changes for master branch will be moved to the new branch
> using gerrit's "move change" feature (that keeps the current parent,
> so it is not a rebase)
> ** pushing to refs/for/master (i.e. creating new changesets) will be
> allowed for a transition period, but jenkins will immediately ask to
> move the change to the new branch (not done automatically, to make
> people also change their local branch configuration/upstream settings)
> * adjusting of jenkins' gerrit-trigger and tinderboxes to use the new
> branch name
> * adjusting of the bugzilla-status-notification ("fixed in version x")
> bot to use the new branch name
> What won't be done at that stage:
> * update of all the documentation/wiki pages mentioning master (that's
> a community effort, no deadline, if you stumble upon mentions of
> master poke #infra or change in wiki yourself :-))
> * renaming of auxiliary repositories (like the intermediate repository
> used for weblate). Projects will be renamed, but weblate itself will
> still use "master" branch in the underlying repo, any change there
> will be postponed until 7.2 projects will be created)
> * dashboard will not have any custom migration, instead repository
> data will be rebuilt/reimported from scratch
> ciao
> Christian
> ___
> LibreOffice mailing list
LibreOffice mailing list

ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

2021-03-17 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi *,

as requested and announced in previous ESC-minutes and infra-call
minutes, master branch will be renamed for the LibreOffice core
repositories and the submodules used by LibreOffice (dictionaries,
help, translations).

Current plan is to do the switchover on April 1st
If you have objections to this date or the plan laid out below (for
current changes please see also please raise your
concerns ASAP)

What will be done?
* git branch rename from master → main for LibreOffice-repos only
(core, dictionaries, help, translations)
more specifically creation of a new main branch main from master and
setting the default branch for those repositories to the new name)
** pushes (submitting to actual branch) to the master branch will be
prohibited by the ACL (permissions)
** final commit on master branch will be a change to .gitreview to use
the new name as default and to logerrit using main as target branch if
the current local branch is master
** it will be a hard cut, main will continue where master stopped,
master won't receive any more commits
** open changes for master branch will be moved to the new branch
using gerrit's "move change" feature (that keeps the current parent,
so it is not a rebase)
** pushing to refs/for/master (i.e. creating new changesets) will be
allowed for a transition period, but jenkins will immediately ask to
move the change to the new branch (not done automatically, to make
people also change their local branch configuration/upstream settings)
* adjusting of jenkins' gerrit-trigger and tinderboxes to use the new
branch name
* adjusting of the bugzilla-status-notification ("fixed in version x")
bot to use the new branch name

What won't be done at that stage:
* update of all the documentation/wiki pages mentioning master (that's
a community effort, no deadline, if you stumble upon mentions of
master poke #infra or change in wiki yourself :-))
* renaming of auxiliary repositories (like the intermediate repository
used for weblate). Projects will be renamed, but weblate itself will
still use "master" branch in the underlying repo, any change there
will be postponed until 7.2 projects will be created)
* dashboard will not have any custom migration, instead repository
data will be rebuilt/reimported from scratch

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