Bug ID: 106685
           Summary: Direct Colour Management extension doesn't work
           Product: LibreOffice
           Version: release
          Hardware: All
                OS: Linux (All)
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: medium
         Component: Extensions

I installed extension Direct Colour Management
This extension worked perfectly in earlier version (see
But now, in last version, doesn't work on Linux Mint and Windows 10. After
starting you can see error dialog screen and screen with BASIC code; there is:

REM             Differentiation between LO and AOO is done via the variable
product; so searching for this string will
REM             yield all occurrences of differences.

option explicit

public dlg as object, langNr as string, ratioX as single, ratioY as single
global copyPasteStore as long
public dcmRunning as boolean

' +++++++++++++++++++++++++  check whether DCM is already running 
function checkRunning as boolean

if dcmRunning then

        msgbox (langtext(langNr,50),16,langtext(langNr,15))
        checkRunning = TRUE
        dcmRunning = TRUE
        checkRunning = FALSE
end if

end function

' ==================== Start modules called from toolbars

' -------------------- Shapes --------------------------------
Sub DCMShape

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object, selShapes as object
dim drawpage as object
dim i as integer, j as integer, colorType as string
dim prop as object, csgFound as boolean

oDoc = ThisComponent

initLangtextEtc()       'initialise the texts table and other values

if checkRunning then exit sub

if isEmpty(oDoc.CurrentController.Selection) then
  msgbox (langtext(langNr,39),48,langtext(langNr,15))   'please select some
  exit sub
end if

oSel = oDoc.CurrentController.Selection         'this may be a (multiply)
nested collection

if isNull(oSel) then    ' if a fontwork is contained in the visible selection,
this selection is null.
  drawpage = oDoc.drawpage
  for i = 0 to drawpage.count - 1
  csgFound = FALSE 
  prop = drawpage.getByIndex(i).getPropertySetInfo.Properties
  for j = 0 to uBound(prop)
    if prop(j).Name = "CustomShapeGeometry" then
      csgFound = TRUE
      exit for
    end if
  if csgFound then
    for j = 0 to uBound(drawpage.getByIndex(i).CustomShapeGeometry)
      if drawpage.getByIndex(i).CustomShapeGeometry(j).Name = "Type" then
        if left(drawpage.getByIndex(i).CustomShapeGeometry(j).Value,9) =
"fontwork-" then
          msgbox (langtext(langNr,45),48,langtext(langNr,15))
          exit sub
        end if
      end if
  end if
  msgbox (langtext(langNr,43),48,langtext(langNr,15))
  exit sub
end if

if not (oSel.ImplementationName = "") or
oSel.count = 0 then
        msgbox (langtext(langNr,39),48,langtext(langNr,15))     'no shape
object selected
        exit sub
end if
selShapes = createUnoService("")   
'collection of selected shapes, for updating

colorType = objShape (oSel, selShapes)
select case colorType
  case "Fill"
    setShapeColor (selShapes, "FillColor")
  case "Line"
    setShapeColor (selShapes, "LineColor")
  case "Grad1"
    setShapeColor (selShapes, "FillGradient", "Start")
  case "Grad2"
    setShapeColor (selShapes, "FillGradient", "End")
  case "Hatch"
    setShapeColor (selShapes, "FillHatch")
  case "Shadow"
    setShapeColor (selShapes, "ShadowColor")
end select

'dcmRunning = FALSE

end sub

' -------------------- text: in a document, a frame
Sub DCMText

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object, undo as object, enum as object, enum2 as
object, elem as object, elem2 as object
Dim elemColor as long
dim origColor as long, newColor as long, origColorMult as string, colorType as
string, selCount as long
dim selstart as integer, i as integer, collapsed as boolean
dim table as object, range as string, cells as object   ' for text tables

oDoc = ThisComponent
undo = oDoc.UndoManager

initLangtextEtc()       'initialise the texts table and other values

if checkRunning then exit sub

oSel = oDoc.CurrentSelection
if isNull(oSel) then
        msgbox (langtext(langNr,41),48,langtext(langNr,15))
        exit sub
end if
'       ---------------------------  
if oSel.supportsService("") then
        selCount = oSel.count
        if selCount = 1 and
                collapsed = TRUE
                collapsed = FALSE
        end if
        if selCount = 1 then    'one text range selected -> count = 1; more
than one, say n -> count = n + 1,
                                                        '  indexes starting
with 1 contain the selected ranges
            selStart = 0
        selStart = 1
        end if
        if NOT isEmpty(oSel(selStart).cell) then        'if the text is within
a table, then the cell colour shall also be selectable
                colorType = objTableText(collapsed)
                colorType = objText(collapsed)
        end if
        select case colorType
                case "none"
                        exit sub
                case "BackColor"        'Cell back colour
                        origColor = oSel(selStart).cell.BackColor       ' get
the colour of the first element
                        for i = selStart + 1 to selCount - 1            ' start
the loop with the second selection element
                                if oSel(i).cell.BackColor <> origColor then
                                        origColorMult = "Y"
                                        exit for
                                end if
                case = "ParaBackColor", "CharBackColor", "CharColor"
                        if isEmpty(oSel(selStart).getPropertyValue(colorType))
                                origColorMult = "Y"
                                origColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                origColor =
oSel(selStart).getPropertyValue(colorType)  ' get the colour of the first
                                for i = selStart + 1 to selCount - 1           
' start the loop with the second selection element
isEmpty(oSel(i).getPropertyValue(colorType)) or
oSel(i).getPropertyValue(colorType) <> origColor then
                                                origColorMult = "Y"
                                                exit for
                                        end if
                        end if
                case else       ' should not happen
                        msgbox "unsupported colorType " & colorType & " in
program DCMStart . DCMText"
                        exit sub
        end select

        HSVDialog (origColor, newColor, origColorMult)
        if newColor = -111 then exit sub
        undo.enterUndoContext(langtext(langNr,19))      'group all changes into
one undo action
        for i = selstart to selCount - 1
                if colorType = "BackColor" then
                        oSel(i).cell.BackColor = newColor
                        oSel(i).setPropertyValue(colorType, newColor)
                        ' in LO this does not work for ParaBackColor since at
least release 4.4.6 due to a bug ( # 99125).
                        ' Selecting ParaBackColor is therefore deactivated for
                end if
'       ---------------------------  
 elseif oSel.supportsService("") then
  table = oDoc.currentController.ViewCursor.TextTable
  origColorMult = "N"
  colorType = objTableText(FALSE)
  if colorType = "none" then exit sub
  if colorType = "BackColor" then
    origColor = table.getCellByName(oSel.RangeName).getPropertyValue(colorType)
        range = oSel.RangeName
        if Instr(range, ":") = 0 then   'only one cell; in this case
getCellRangeByName returns an error message
        cells = table.getCellByName(range)
        cells = table.getCellRangeByName(range)
        end if
        if isEmpty(cells.BackColor) then origColorMult = "Y"
        if isEmpty(oSel.getPropertyValue(colorType)) then       'if there are
several colours used then the property is empty
                if colorType = "ParaBackColor" then
                        origColor =
                        origColor =
        end if
        origColorMult = "Y"
      origColor = oSel.getPropertyValue(colorType)
    end if
  end if
  HSVDialog (origColor, newColor, origColorMult)
  if newColor = -111 then exit sub
  if colorType = "BackColor" then
        cells.setPropertyValue(colorType, newColor)
    oSel.setPropertyValue(colorType, newColor)
  end if
end if

end sub

' -------------------- text object = text in a shape, in Draw, Impress
sub DCMTextObject

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object, obj as object
dim origColor as long, newColor as long, origColorMult as string
dim enum as object, elem as object, enum2 as object, elem2 as object, s as
dim document as object, dispatcher as object, args1(0) as new
dim selNormalisedStart as object, selNormalisedEnd as object

oDoc = ThisComponent

initLangtextEtc()       'initialise the texts table and other values

if checkRunning then exit sub

oSel = oDoc.CurrentSelection

if oSel.supportsService("") then    ' text in Draw,
  ' if the text is selected from right to left, then the start is at the right
end of the text. This yelds
  '   different esults when comparing starts/ends of elements with starts/ends
of the selection. Therefore start
  '   and end are vertauscht in this case.
  if oSel.compareRegionStarts(oSel.getStart,oSel.getEnd) = 1 then       '
selection from left to right
        selNormalisedStart = oSel.getStart
        selNormalisedEnd = oSel.getEnd
   else                                                                 ' = -1,
selectiom from right to left; case 0 is handled beforehand
        selNormalisedStart = oSel.getEnd
        selNormalisedEnd = oSel.getStart
  end if
  enum = oSel.text.createEnumeration    ' to find out if there is more than one
  origColorMult = " "
  do while enum.hasMoreElements
    elem = enum.nextElement
    enum2 = elem.createEnumeration
    do while enum2.hasMoreElements
      elem2 = enum2.nextElement
      if origColorMult = "N" and
oSel.compareRegionStarts(selNormalisedEnd,elem2) >= 0 then exit Do
        ' text element starts at or after end of selection -> rest of text not
relevant for this part of selection
      if origColorMult = "N" and
oSel.compareRegionStarts(elem2,selNormalisedEnd) = 1 and _
          elem2.CharColor <> origColor then
        ' subsequent text element which contains part of selection and has
different colour (there may be another
        ' reason for a new text element, e.g. another character weight)
        origColorMult = "Y"
        exit Do
      end if
      if origColorMult = " " and
oSel.compareRegionStarts(selNormalisedStart,elem2.getEnd) = 1 then
        ' text element which contains start of selection
        origColor = elem2.CharColor
        origColorMult = "N"
      end if
    if origColorMult =  "Y" then exit Do
 elseif oSel.supportsService("") then      
' text in Writer; also possible is 
                                'a combination of a table shape and another
  if oSel.count > 1 then        'e.g. combination of a table shape and another
    msgbox langtext(langNr,47),48,langtext(langNr,38)
    exit sub
  end if
  obj = oSel(0)
  if obj.supportsService("") then     'Cursor without
extension in a shape
    msgbox langtext(langNr,41),48,langtext(langNr,38)
    exit sub
   elseif obj.supportsService("") then
    s = obj.ShapeType
    select case s
          case ""
            exit sub
          case else
        exit sub
        end select
  end if
  exit sub
end if

HSVDialog (origColor, newColor, origColorMult)

if newColor >= -1 then
' oSel.CharColor = newColor does not create an entry in the undo stack
'       We use the dispatcher instead:
   document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
   dispatcher = createUnoService("")
   args1(0).Name = "Color"
   args1(0).Value = newColor
   dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Color", "", 0, args1())
end if

end sub

' --------------------  text in a shape in Writer or Calc
sub DCMShapeText

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object, i as long, selStart as long
dim origColor as long, newColor as long, origColorMult as string
dim document as object, dispatcher as object, args1(0) as new
dim enum as object, elem as object, enum2 as object, elem2 as object, elemColor
as long

oDoc = ThisComponent

initLangtextEtc()       'initialise the texts table and other values

if checkRunning then exit sub

oSel = oDoc.CurrentSelection

if oSel.supportsService("") then
    origColor = oSel.getByIndex(0).CharColor
    origColorMult = "N"
    origColor = -999999999
        for i = 0 to oSel.count - 1
   ' oSel.count > 1 can happen if one has selected the text of a shape and then
selects another shape
   '  while pressing Ctrl. This is probably not meant to be a correct
behaviour; it is only possible in Writer.
   '  Selecting the texts of more than one shape doesn't seem possible for the
moment but the code will probably
   '  work correctly in this case.
            if NOT hasCharColor(oSel.getByIndex(i)) then
                msgbox langtext(langNr,47),48,langtext(langNr,38)
                exit sub
            end if
                enum = oSel(i).createEnumeration
                do while enum.hasMoreElements
                        elem = enum.nextElement
                        enum2 = elem.createEnumeration
                        do while enum2.hasMoreElements
                                elem2 = enum2.nextElement
                                elemColor = elem2.CharColor
                                if elemColor <> origColor then
                                        if origColor = -999999999 then 
'initial value
                                                origcolor = elemColor
                                                ' In this case the selection
supplies only the shape with its entire text;
                                                ' the view cursor has an empty
text. So we cannot recognize the colour of
                                                ' the selected text if there is
more than one colour present.
                                                origColorMult = " "
                                                origcolor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                                exit do
                                        end if
                                end if
  exit sub
end if

HSVDialog (origColor, newColor, origColorMult)

if newColor >= -1 then

'       In this case the selection supplies only the shape with its entire
text; the view cursor has an empty text.
'       Therefore the only way was to use the dispatcher:
   document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
   dispatcher = createUnoService("")
   args1(0).Name = "Color"
   args1(0).Value = newColor
   dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Color", "", 0, args1())
end if

end sub

' --------------  text frame  -----------------------
sub DCMFrame

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object
dim origColor as long, newColor as long, origColorMult as string
dim dlgLib as object, dlgFrame as object
dim ctrl as object
dim imageFolder as string
dim choice as integer
dim stru as variant

oDoc = ThisComponent

initLangtextEtc()       'initialise the texts table and other values

if checkRunning then exit sub

oSel = oDoc.CurrentController.Selection
if isNull(oSel) then
        msgbox (langtext(langNr,41),48,langtext(langNr,15))
        exit sub
end if

dlgLib = DialogLibraries.GetByName("DirectColourManager")
dlgFrame = createUnoDialog(dlgLib.getByName("DlgFrame")
imageFolder = getimageFolder()

dlgFrame.Title = langtext(langNr,20)
ctrl = dlgFrame.getControl("bBack")
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,27)
ctrl.model.ImageURL = imageFolder & "DCMParBack.png"
ctrl = dlgFrame.getControl("bBorder")
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,25)
ctrl.model.ImageURL = imageFolder & "DCMLineColor.png"
ctrl = dlgFrame.getControl("bShadow")
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,26)
ctrl.model.ImageURL = imageFolder & "DCMShadowColor.png"
ctrl = dlgFrame.getControl("bKO").model
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,13)
ctrl.ImageURL = imageFolder & "SignKO.png"

choice = dlgFrame.execute
select case choice
  case 0        'button KO
    exit sub
' return codes from sub ColorPropSel
  case 1041
    origColor = oSel.BackColor
  case 1042
    origColor = oSel.LeftBorder.Color
  case 1043
    origColor = oSel.ShadowFormat.Color
  case else     ' cannot happen
    exit sub
end select

origColorMult = "N"
HSVDialog (origColor, newColor, origColorMult)
if newColor >= -1 then
  if oDoc.wasModifiedSinceLastSave then
        if  msgbox (langtext(langNr,40), 4 + 32, langtext(langNr,38)) = 6 then
' ( = 1 ) is  N O T  the right value!!!
  end if
  select case choice
' return codes from sub ColorPropSel
    case 1041
      oSel.setPropertyValue("BackColor", newColor)
    case 1042
      stru = oSel.TopBorder
      stru.Color = newColor
      oSel.TopBorder = stru
      stru = oSel.BottomBorder
      stru.Color = newColor
      oSel.BottomBorder = stru
      stru = oSel.LeftBorder
      stru.Color = newColor
      oSel.LeftBorder = stru
      stru = oSel.RightBorder
      stru.Color = newColor
      oSel.RightBorder = stru
    case 1043
      stru = oSel.ShadowFormat
      stru.Color = newColor
      if stru.location = 0 then stru.location = 4       ' no shadow --> to the
right and below
      oSel.ShadowFormat = stru
  end select
end if

end sub

' ----------------------  cell or cell range in Calc 
sub DCMCell

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object, undo as object
dim origColor as long, newColor as long, origColorMult as string, colorType as
dim i as long, selUpper as long, s as string
dim enum as object, elem as object, enum2 as object, elem2 as object

oDoc = ThisComponent

initLangtextEtc()       'initialise the texts table and other values

if checkRunning then exit sub

oSel = oDoc.currentSelection

'       if there are two paragraphs or text portions with different colours,
then setting CharColor
'       changes only the first text portion. Therefore the option for CharColor
is disabled in this case.
colorType = objCell
if colorType = "none" then exit sub
origColorMult = " "

if oSel.supportsService("") then      ' mind
the plural !!
  for i = 0 to oSel.Count - 1
    analyseCellSel(oSel(i), colorType, origColor, origColorMult)
    if origColorMult = "Y" then exit for
 elseif oSel.supportsService("") _
     or  oSel.supportsService("") then
  analyseCellSel(oSel, colorType, origColor, origColorMult)
end if

HSVDialog (origColor, newColor, origColorMult)
if newColor = -111 then exit sub
if colortype = "CharColor" then
        if oSel.supportsService("") then     
' mind the plural !!
                        selUpper = oSel.count - 1       ' count exists only in
this case
                selUpper = 0
        end if
        undo = oDoc.UndoManager
        undo.enterUndoContext(langtext(langNr,19))      'group all changes into
one undo action
        for i = 0 to selUpper
                if oSel(i).supportsService("") then
'single cell
                        DCMCellset (oSel(i).createEnumeration, newColor)
                  else                                  'rectangle of selected
                end if
        oSel.setPropertyValue(colorType, newColor)
        oSel.setPropertyValue(colorType, newColor)
end if

end sub

sub DCMCellSet (enum as object, newColor as long)

dim elem as object, enum2 as object, elem2 as object, enum3 as object, elem3 as
object, s as string

do while enum.hasMoreElements
        elem = enum.nextElement
        s = elem.dbg_methods
        if Instr(s,"createEnumeration") > 0 then        'then there's another
enumeration level
                enum2 = elem.createEnumeration
                do while enum2.hasMoreElements
                        elem2 = enum2.nextElement
                        s = elem2.dbg_methods
                        if Instr(s,"createEnumeration") > 0 then        'then
there's another enumeration level
                                enum3 = elem2.createEnumeration
                                do while enum3.hasMoreElements
                                        elem3 = enum3.nextElement
                                        elem3.CharColor = newColor
                                elem2.CharColor = newColor
                        end if
                elem.CharColor = newColor
        end if

end sub

'  ============================   start modules called from menus 
'   It is not possible to enter dedicated menu items for the different object
types, in all cases. There is
'    therefore only one menu item, and the dedicated modules are called from

'  -------------------------  called from menu "Format" in Writer 
sub menuWriter

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object

oDoc = ThisComponent
oSel = oDoc.CurrentController.Selection

if oSel.supportsService("") then
  ' if nothing is selected, then the selection is a collapsed string. In the
context of this module it is not clear
  ' which objects shall be selected, so there has to be a message different
from the one supplied by the same
  ' question in DCMText
  if oSel.Count = 1 and
        initLangtextEtc()       'initialise the texts table and other values
        msgbox langtext(langNr,42),48,langtext(langNr,38)
        exit sub
  end if
 elseif oSel.supportsService("")then
 elseif oSel.supportsService("") then
 elseif oSel.supportsService("") then
  exit sub
  initLangtextEtc()     'initialise the texts table and other values
end if

end sub

sub callDlgMenuShape 

dim dlgLib as object, dlgMenuShape as object, ctrl as object

initLangtextEtc()       'initialise the texts table and other values
if checkRunning then exit sub

dlgLib = DialogLibraries.GetByName("DirectColourManager")
dlgMenuShape = createUnoDialog(dlgLib.getByName("DlgMenuShape")
dlgMenuShape.Title = langtext(langNr,35)
dlgMenuShape.getControl("bShape").label = langtext(langNr,36)
dlgMenuShape.getControl("bText").model.label = langtext(langNr,37)
ctrl = dlgMenuShape.getControl("bKO").model
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,13)
ctrl.ImageURL = imageFolder & "SignKO.png"

' buttons bShape and bText are handled in the subs below

end sub

sub menuShapeShape (evt as object)


end sub

sub menuShapeText (evt as object)


end sub

'  -------------------------  called from menu "Format" in Draw & Impress 
sub menuDraw

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object

oDoc = ThisComponent
oSel = oDoc.CurrentController.Selection

if oSel.supportsService ("") then

end sub

'  -------------------------  called from menu "Format" in Calc 
sub menuCalc

dim oDoc as object, oSel as object

oDoc = ThisComponent
oSel = oDoc.CurrentController.Selection

if oSel.supportsService ("") then

end sub

' ===================  auxiliary modules  ====================================

' -------------   analyse colours used in cells  ----------------------
sub analyseCellSel (obj as object, colorType as string, origColor as long,
origColorMult as string)
dim cellFormat as object, i as integer

cellFormat = obj.getCellFormatRanges

if origColorMult = " " then
  origColorMult = "N"
  origColor = cellFormat(0).getPropertyValue(colorType)
end if

for i = 0 to cellFormat.Count - 1
  if cellFormat(i).getPropertyValue(colorType) <> origColor then
    origColorMult = "Y"
    exit for
  end if

end sub

'  ---------------------- set shape color  -------------------------------
sub setShapeColor (selShapes as object, colorType as string, optional subType
as string)

dim oDoc as object
dim prop as variant, selShape as object, prop2 as variant, prop3 as variant
dim origColor as long, newColor as long, origColorMult as string
dim i as integer

oDoc = ThisComponent
origColorMult = " "

for i = 0 to selShapes.count - 1
  if origColorMult = "Y" then exit for
  selShape = selShapes.getByIndex(i)
  prop = selShape.GetPropertyValue(colorType)
  if selShape.supportsService("") or _
     selShape.supportsService("") or _
     selShape.supportsService("") or _
     selShape.supportsService("") or _
     selShape.supportsService("") then
    if origColorMult = " " then
      origColorMult = "N"
      select case colorType
        case "FillGradient"
          if subType = "Start" then
            origColor = prop.StartColor
           elseif subType = "End" then
            origColor = prop.EndColor
          end if
        case "FillHatch"
          origColor = prop.Color
        case else
          origColor = prop
      end select
      select case colorType
        case "FillGradient"
          if subType = "Start" and origColor <> prop.StartColor then
            origColorMult = "Y"
           elseif subType = "End" and origColor <> prop.EndColor then
            origColorMult = "Y"
          end if
        case "FillHatch"
         if origColor <> prop.Color then origColorMult = "Y"
        case else
          if origColor <> prop then origColorMult = "Y"
      end select
    end if
    if origColorMult = " " then
      origColorMult = "N"
      origColor = prop
      if origColor <> prop then origColorMult = "Y"
    end if
  end if

HSVDialog (origColor, newColor, origColorMult)

if newColor >= -1 then
  if oDoc.wasModifiedSinceLastSave then
        if  msgbox (langtext(langNr,40), 4 + 32, langtext(langNr,38)) = 6 then
' is  N O T  the right value!!!
  end if
  for i = 0 to selShapes.count - 1
    selShape = selShapes.getByIndex(i)
    prop2 = selShape.GetPropertyValue(colorType)
    if selShape.supportsService("") or _
       selShape.supportsService("") or _
       selShape.supportsService("") or _
       selShape.supportsService("") or _
       selShape.supportsService("") then
      select case colorType
        case "FillGradient"
          if subType = "Start" then
            prop2.StartColor = newColor
           elseif subType = "End" then
            prop2.EndColor = newColor
          end if
          prop3 = prop2
          selShape.FillStyle =
        case "FillHatch"
          prop2.Color = newColor
          prop3 = prop2
          selShape.FillStyle =
        case "FillColor"
          prop3 = newColor
          selShape.FillStyle =
        case "ShadowColor"
          selShape.Shadow = TRUE
          prop3 = newColor
        case "LineColor"
          prop3 = newColor
          selShape.LineStyle =
        case else
          prop3 = newColor
      end select
      prop3 = newColor
    end if
    selShape.setPropertyValue(colorType, prop3)
end if

end sub

'  ------------------------  table shape (in Impress, Draw)  
'        The selection returns the entire shape, so there was no way to format
one or several cells, this has to be done
'        using the standard tools. The actions below change the table template,
i.e. all table shapes in the document
sub tableShape (obj as object)

dim dlglib as object, dlgTS as object, elemt as string, templ as object
dim origColor as long, newColor as long, origColorMult as string
dim imageFolder as string, ctrl as object

if not ( obj.UseFirstRowStyle and obj.UseBandingRowStyle) then
  msgbox langtext(langNr,44),48,langtext(langNr,38)
  exit sub
end if
templ = obj.tableTemplate
if not ( templ.hasByName("first-row") and templ.hasByName("odd-rows") and
templ.hasByName("body") ) then
  msgbox langtext(langNr,44),48,langtext(langNr,38)
  exit sub
end if
if isNull (templ.getByName("first-row")) or isNull
(templ.getByName("odd-rows")) or isNull (templ.getByName("body")) then
  msgbox langtext(langNr,52),48,langtext(langNr,38)
  exit sub
end if

dlgLib = DialogLibraries.GetByName("DirectColourManager")
dlgTS = createUnoDialog(dlgLib.getByName("DlgTableShape")
imageFolder = getimageFolder()

dlgTS.Title = langtext(langNr,20)
dlgTS.getControl("info").text = langtext(langNr,46)
ctrl = dlgTS.getControl("bFirstRow")
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,32)
ctrl.model.ImageURL = imageFolder & "DCMTableFirstColor.png"
ctrl = dlgTS.getControl("bOddRows")
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,33)
ctrl.model.ImageURL = imageFolder & "DCMTableOddColor.png"
ctrl = dlgTS.getControl("bEvenRows")
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,34)
ctrl.model.ImageURL = imageFolder & "DCMTableEvenColor.png"
ctrl = dlgTS.getControl("bKO").model
ctrl.label = " " & langtext(langNr,13)
ctrl.ImageURL = imageFolder & "SignKO.png"

select case dlgTS.execute
  case 0        'button KO
    exit sub
' return codes from sub ColorPropSel
  case 1031
    elemt = "first-row"
  case 1032
    elemt = "odd-rows"
  case 1033
    elemt = "body"
  case else     ' cannot happen
    exit sub
end select

origColor = templ.getByName(elemt).FillColor

origColorMult = "N"
HSVDialog (origColor, newColor, origColorMult)
if newColor = -111 then exit sub
if ThisComponent.wasModifiedSinceLastSave then
        if  msgbox (langtext(langNr,40), 4 + 32, langtext(langNr,38)) = 6 then
' is  N O T  the right value!!!
end if
templ.getByName(elemt).FillColor = newColor

end sub

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