Bug ID: 95591
           Summary: Autosave appears not to be working
           Product: LibreOffice
           Version: release
          Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64)
                OS: Linux (All)
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: medium
         Component: Writer

As mentioned in my bug report 95241, Autosave does not save my work.  Every 10
mins it kicks in and I see the save progress bar which makes it look like it's
doing something.  But every time LO has locked up on me and I ;va had to kill
it, when I restart it has not been able to recover, and instead had to "restore
the original docuemnt.

I just tested again: worked for 20 mins, took a screen snapshot so if it does
crash now I can recover my work, then waited.  What I see now in the backup
area is nothing:

$ ls -lt WildThing-CS.odt
-rw-rw---- 1 luke kendall 5339164 Nov  5 15:28 WildThing-CS.odt
$ ls -la ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/backup/
total 8
drwxrwx--x  2 luke kendall 4096 Nov  5 15:59 .
drwxrwx--x 14 luke kendall 4096 Nov  5 16:04 ..

The last time LO hung, when I restarted it, tThere were 4 files it needed to
recover.  As usual, despite the autosave kicking in at regular intervals, I got
errors like this for each of the 4 documents:

/home/luke/.config/libreoffice/4/user/backup/WildThing-CS.odt_0.odt does not
(and an error about not having access permissions or something like that).

After the 1st such pop-up error, I did this to see what was in the backup area:

$ ls -la /home/luke/.config/libreoffice/4/user/backup/
total 8
drwxrwx--x  2 luke kendall 4096 Nov  5 11:56 .
drwxrwx--x 14 luke kendall 4096 Nov  5 12:05 ..

Incidentally, at the end of the automatic recovery process, LO presents a
confusing summary window.  The dialog panel said:

The automatic recovery process was interrupted. [See Note 1]

The documents listed below will be saved in the folder noted below if you click
'Save'.  Click 'Cancel' to close the wizard without saving the documents.

[the 4 docs listed]
Save to:
etc. [See Note 2]

[Note 1]
It wasn't "interrupted": perhaps it meant to say it didn't complete for some
reason; or it encountered some problem?

[Note 2]
a) So, I chose Save, and as I expected from past behaviour, the files had not
been *not* saved in /home/luke.
b) In addition, the Save menu item on the File menu was grayed out.  I could
choose Save As, and save it back over the top of the existing file, or navigate
to /home/luke to save it there if I wished, but that wasn't the default option.
c) I moved the file aside and then saved the recovered document.  It was
smaller than the file I moved aside.  I compared the two documents and a dialog
panel appeared listing two changes, but when I visited each, I could not see
any change (I could see no difference).
Neither document had the work I'd done, but I had taken a screenshot as soon as
I realised LO had locked up, so I lost no work.

Of the 4 documents, 3 I was not working on a lot, and had saved, so I had no
qualm about choosing to save back over the original document in its original
location.  The 4th, which I *was* actively working on, when I chose Save As,
again opened the dialog opened on the directory where the original document
existed, not /home/luke.

So the panel that pops up after auto recovery seems very unclear to me.  I
can't understand in what sense the "files were saved to /home/luke", as that
didn't happen; nor was saving the file to /home/luke the default option in any

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