Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 05:52:49 -0500 (CDT)
From: john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: is it true? yes

Here's the bit. You will need to keep an eye on the
website for the laptop. It will be back up when I have both the
solar universal
battery pack/power supply and the laptop ready for sale. Don't expect
either to be anything like the cheap shit I see other companies producing.
For example go to the Asus site and look at the 200 or the fujitsu site
or the Jade Mountain
site and search for portable power supply. If you expect something like
what other companies produce or even compare my good shit to their cheap
shit just go away. I expect
both to be relativly inexpensive. Otherwise the cell replacement for the
libretto battery pack is still availible and it can also be installed by
PhotoEngineering. Just contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for that and is still availible which has the libretto
maintenece manuals. The replacement
motherboard never got off the ground--too expensive to produce--would of
been a couple grand each board at least and I doubt anyone would want
to pay that much. Wait til you see who manufactures the laptop!!


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