Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 08:13:17 -0600
From: Brian Heil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Replacement Motherboard

I'm still looking for a replacement motherboard for my 50CT.  Anybody have 
a 50CT or 70CT with broken screen they want to get rid of?  Or a good 
motherboard just hanging around?

Alternately does anyone know of software or some other way of excluding the 
memory between 12 and 13 MB?  I've got a few bad memory locations on the 
motherboard memory and I could continue using the machine if I can exclude 
this area from being used.  This would be for Windows9x.


Brian Heil (319) 335-0675 |       Stay Alert!        |     Computing Services
Senior Programmer Analyst |      Trust No One!       | The University of Iowa
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |  Keep Your Laser Handy!  |    College of Business

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