Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 09:27:18 +0000
From: "a libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 100 Battery Cells - Can they be replaced ?

My second battery for my 100 has just died. This is over the space of 3-4 months. 
Replacement battery was second hand so had been previously charged.

2 questions on this

1. Could I been doing anything wrong in terms of charging - leaving it plugged in over 
night or 
whatever for this to be happening ? or is it simply that I have reached the maximum 
number of 
recharges which I understand is 500 ?

2. I have taken the battery apart and there are 3 cells manufacured by Panasonic each 
off approx. 3.7v, in total 10.8v. Does anyone have any experiene in replacing these 
cells ? Do 
you have to use Lithium Ion ? Pardon my complete ignorance of things electrical but 
would I 
destroy the Libretto if I replace the cells with ones which give 12v output - 3.7v 
appear to be 
difficult to obtain ? What if I were to get a combination which gives less than 10.8v 
e.g. 9v - 
will the machine work ?




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