Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:22:25 +0100
From: "Dave's Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Replacement battery for the Libretto

Hi all,

Further to the previous discussions of replacement battery's for the libretto,
at the weekend I tried to build a new battery for my 100CT for the total cost of
£5 (thanks to Curry's electrical stores in the UK), using an off the shelf
Li-Ion battery thanks to Sony's LIP-12 packs intended for use with their MZ-30
Minidisc Walkman.
I had some luck, and some problem, but if you fancy a read, take a look at:

Feedback is welcome, questions and slaps round the head for doing something
stupid =O)

BTW. All the images are in 640x480, I cant hold a camera to save my life, and
sorry for the naff HTML.



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