On Thursday 08 March 2001  9:09 pm, Lars Stavholm wrote:
> > /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -g -O2
> > -Lc:/ossasn1/win32.tgt/5.2.0/bin -o libencdec.la -rpath
> > /home/stava/proj/nbap_alcap/encdec/lib -no-undefined -release 6.1C
> > decoder_main.lo decoder_translate.lo decoder_util.lo encoder_encode_1.lo
> > encoder_encode_2.lo encoder_get.lo encoder_main.lo encoder_manage.lo
> > encoder_util.lo nbap.lo nbap_decode.lo nbap_encode.lo  -lossapi -lcygwin
> > -lcygwin

libtool is trying (and failing) to find libossapi.la.  Since it doesn't 
understand .lib files, it will find libossapi.a, but refuses to link a static 
library into a shared library since that is illegal on some platforms.

I think you need to make a libossapi.la for libtool to find, so that it can 
tell the the library it is detecting is an import lib and not a static lib.

> Is there any way to accomplish a link with the ossapi.dll in this case?

If libossapi is not built by you, you might try specifying the full path to 
the dll, which should force libtool to use impgen to generate its own import 
lib on the fly.

> /Lars Stavholm ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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