Peter Rosin <> writes:

> Should I kill the branch on savannah, rebase my local tree and finally
> push a brand new pr-msvc-support branch? Should I create a new topic
> branch named pr-msvc-support2? Should I merge git-head into the branch?
> That sure feels backwards, but what do I know? Please help.

As a practical matter, I've found that Git at Savannah is
configured to prevent updating a branch other than through a
"fast forward", even if you use the "+" syntax on git-push.  That
means that pushing a rebased version of a branch won't work.

If the libtool Git is set up that way, you can work around the
problem by first deleting the branch, then creating a new branch
with the same name as the old one with the rebased content, e.g.
     git push origin :pr-msvc-support           # Delete branch.
     git push origin HEAD:pr-msvc-support       # Recreate branch.
Ben Pfaff

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