On Wed, 2022-04-20 at 01:12 +0100, Sam James wrote:
> > On 17 Apr 2022, at 05:55, Alex Ameen <alex.ameen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > This was all green down the line on the test suite on multiple systems (
> > don't get too excited yet ) until I found bugs in the testsuite...
> > 
> > I see how this flew under the radar previously though - currently there are
> > no tests which attempt to check RPATH or RUNPATH entries. I'll definitely be
> > working on that... I'm going to be working out some M4 macros to abstract
> > some functions like `lt_read_pheader([BIN], [ENTRY])',
> > `lt_read_rpath([BIN])', and `lt_read_runpath([BIN])', so that those can be
> > abstracted for handling non-ELF binaries.
> > 
> > I'll make a test case to the effect of `readelf -d -W BIN|grep -v
> > "$sysroot/";', if you have any additional input on new test cases let me
> > know.
> > 
> > You also helped me catch some bad regex in the existing sysroot tests that
> > would cause them to never be run on a system which used '/' as their GCC
> > sysroot ( all of dpkg's  cross compilers seem to... ).
> Nice! I've found a *lot* of things don't respect this case, actually.
> > 
> > So a big thank you for helping to catch all of these places that the tool
> > can be improved.
> > 
> > Naturally now that test cases aren't skipped they're red, so once I sanity
> > check that they fail on the mainline branch I can move forward. I'm ~99%
> > sure this patch will have no effect on those results.
> > 
> > 
> FWIW, given the comments on the main libtool ML, I at least am happy to drop
> this one for now, and revisit later. Richard might feel differently though.

I think this one is ok, it would be "ltmain.in: Don't encode RATHS which match
default linker paths" which is being questioned. We see a awful lot of it and I
don't think we need them but I can see the concern others are raising even if it
what I think should be a more unusual use case. It may be something that could
be configured ultimately?

> I like incremental progress so the more easy stuff in, the better, even if it
> means we have to come back to some of the harder ones.

Definitely agreed. I'd rather we make progress on the things we can agree on
that block on that.



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