
        $ENV{HTTP_PROXY}=$proxyserver . ":" . $proxyport;

-----Original Message-----
From: dLux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 7:24 AM
Subject: HTTPS through proxy with CONNECT


I  need to  connect a  https  server through  a proxy,  but AFAIK  LWP
still  does not  know how  to do  it using  CONNECT method  instead of
GET. I have tested with LWP version 5.52, but it does not work.

I have found  a patch in the net  to do this (keepalive  patch + https
connect  patch), it  was made  for  libwww-perl-5.53. It  was sent  to
this mailing list also (I am sorry, I forgot the author's name).

My  question: Is  there official  statement about  this? Will  CONNECT
included in the LWP in the near future?


                == Magzar billentzuyet ruley ==

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