I just upgraded my code to M3 and also replaced my LOGGERs with the
new Loggable trait.  I am using LogBack (not Log4j).

I thought that with 2.0-M3, the following call would be deprecated and
no longer necessary:  Slf4jLogBoot.enable()
Alas, I discovered that it is still mandatory, otherwise I get a
NoClassDefFound exception for org.apache.log4j.Priority.
I thought SLF4J was enabled already, so I don't know why I need to
explicitly enable it.

Secondly, if you read the Wiki:  
It says to exclude org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12 from lift-mapper.
But I noticed that it is lift-webkit that has the dependency
(transitively from net.liftweb:lift-util) that needs to be excluded.
As a result, I have this instead:


I recommend updating the wiki entry.


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